BALAGH - Journal of Islamic and Humanities Studies
BALAGH - Journal of Islamic and Humanities Studies
Cilt: 3 Sayı : 2
The Literature of the Purposeful Word in the Holy Qur’ān and its Role in the Media Discourse: : Surat As-Shu‘arā’ as model
The position of Modernist Thought on the sources of knowing god his Attributes and the acts
Linguistic interpretation of Ali Mansour Kayali "Critical Analytical Study"
The influence of the Muslim faith on design of architectural con-structions in Derbend Cemetery tombstones in Dagestan region during the 13th century AH
تأثير الطيبي في مباحث علم البيان على السيوطي في كتابه "نواهد الأبكار وشوارد الأفكار
أثر التلقي عند المفسر في تفسير القرآن الكريم
معوقات النهوض العلمي في العالم الإسلامي من منظور تاريخي
The relation of the science of maqasid with creation and composition. Towards activating the purposive point of view in divine creation
استراتيجية لتنمية أصول الوقف: دراسة في شركة لا تنس التعاونية بمعهد دار السلام كونتور للتربية الإسلامية الحديثة
تعليم العربية بالصلوات الجهرية منهج مقترح لتفعيل دور المسجد في تعليم العربية (سلطنة بروناي أنموذجا)
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 2
Enhancement of the participation of the educational waqf beneficiaries in developing and promoting the waqf: the waqf Universities as a model
The ruling of the inheritance of the final divorced woman in the death of illness : A comparative study between Islamic Sharia and man-made law.
من بلاغة القصص القرآني
The early repayment effect on the price of Musharakah Mutanaqisah due to early settlement
Women and Power: Critical Reading in “The Forgotten Queens Of Islam” by Mernissi Fatima
Codification of Islamic Family Law in Malaysia
منهج السنة النبوية في معالجة ظاهرة التشددّ والغلوّ في العبادة (The Approach Of The Sunnah In Dealing With The Phenomenon Of Exaggeration In Worship)
Achieving social and economic welfare in Medina In the era of Rashıdin Caliphs
The meaning of place names in the book of Proverbs by Abu Hilal Al-Askari
Cilt: 2
Exegetical Reflections in Some Verses of The Qur’an: A Light to the Darkness of Ignorance
The legal ruling for abortion of a deformed foetus (A jurisprudential study in the light of recent medical developments)
Shariah Regulations for the Halal Industry: An Analytical Jurisprudence Study in the Light of the Turkish Foundation (GIMDIs) Experience
Criteria for controlling fatwas in Islamic banks
Abu Hilal Al-Askari's etymological criteria, and its impact in proving linguistic differences . ) Descriptive study(
The Noble Qur’an Being Taught And Managed By Non-Arabic Speakers
Qalqalah between Makki and Madani, an analytical statistical study
The Fiqh School in the Levant
Cilt: 2 - Sayı : 1
Islamic Insurance and Takaful Insurance Models
تطورات دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية بعد جائحة كورونا
The Importance of a Good Loan in Alleviating Poor and Bereaved People's Misery in the Corona Epidemic
مقومات الاقتصاد الاسلامي في زمن تحديات كوفيد 91 كورونا
Positive Social Impact of Islamic Social Finance During Covid-19: Case Study of Malaysia
Temporary Waqf in the Framework of MaqaÎid Shariah: A Study on Contemporary Social Needs Under Covid 19
Post-COVID 19 Financial Awakening and Opportunities for Accelerating Sustainability
The role of the interest-free loan (al-Qard al-Hasan) in Treating the Effects of the Epidemic to Achieve Maqasid Al-Shari`ah Using Blockchain
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 2
Patients’ rights in the hadiths of the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
Suspicions about political and social reform in Islam, analysis of inference from the Qur’anic text and Prophetic tradition regarding the isolation from al-Fitan (seditions)
The impact of odd Quran recitations on the verbal spread of language words.
The objections on Asanid (Chaines) of Sahih al-Bukhari and the answers of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar to them in his “Fath Al-Bari”, a comparative analytical study from the chapter of The beginning of the Revelation until the end of the chapters of Prayer’s Sutrah
Social Finance in Bank Islam Malaysia: Sadaqa House as a Model (a Jurisprudential Evaluation Study)
The Malaysian Experience in Sustainable Development: The Educational Sector as a Model
Interdiction of Prodigal between the Interest and Humanity Jurisprudential study
The Role of Fuqaha’ and ’Udaba’ in Confronting Threats Facing Intellectual Security in The First Abbasid Era (132-232H)
Regulations of the Muslim Governor's Economic Execution in Light of the Legal Policy
The Temporary Endowments: Its Nature and Public Interest
شبهات العقلانيين حول بعض روايات الصحيحين عرض ونقد
Arab Modernists and Maqasid Shariah: a Critical Analysis
Tahfiz Model Ulul Albab Teacher’s Readiness And Understanding In Implementing And Facilitating 21st Century Learning
Cilt: 1 - Sayı : 1
Linguistic identity in Palestine between the danger of loss and the inevitability of survival
Contemporary Trends in Criticism of Companions: An Analytical Descriptive Study
Criminalization controls in Islamic criminal jurisprudence
Jawi Writing in Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah Subject at Secondary School; Issues and Challenges
Models for Some Judicial Systems Since the Creation of Mankind to a Good Mission Wilderness
A Critical Edition and Analysis of Nuh ibn Mustafa’s al-Fawāʿid al-muhimma fī bayān ishtirāt al-tabarrī fī islām ahl al-dhimma
Separation Between Spouses Due to Contagious Diseases and its Evidence
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