Linguistic interpretation of Ali Mansour Kayali "Critical Analytical Study"
Linguistic interpretation of Ali Mansour Kayali "Critical Analytical Study"
لالاThis research aims to study and analyze the interpretation of some Quranic verses by Ali Mansour Al-Kayyali by shedding light on the linguistic aspect of his interpretation of the verses, and evaluating that within the scientific approaches adopted by scholars in the interpretation of the Holy Quran. And what the researcher reached was that Al-Kayyali did not take into account in his methodology what Muslim scholars agreed upon regarding the conditions of interpretation, and he did not adhere to the rules of the Arabic language, but rather calls for changing its rules, and interprets the words of the predecessors according to the rules he changed, and he used to take some weak sayings contained in some Interpretations, and he does not attribute them to their sources, but mentions them as if they were his ideas.
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