Linguistic identity in Palestine between the danger of loss and the inevitability of survival

Linguistic identity in Palestine between the danger of loss and the inevitability of survival

Abstract: This research deals with the identity and future of the Arabic language in the occupied Palestinian territories, which are between the rock and the anvil. It is subjected to fighting on the one hand, and an attempt to replace it with the Hebrew language on the other hand, in light of Zionist oppression that aims to establish the most important pillars of its settlement project, which is the prelude to replacing the Hebrew language with the Arabic language as a first step to Judaizing the entire region. It is imperative that we know the history of these malicious attempts to Judaize the language, and indeed the region, as well as the desperate resistance of the Arabic language and its people in the blessed land, and that the syndrome of conflict between the two sides extends over long periods of time. And behind them is a group of believers in the issues of the Arabic language. This research comes to draw attention to the inevitability of preserving the Arabic language, which guarantees the preservation of the Palestinian existence, and to find out the linguistic history of the Hebrew language, and to present a close picture of the Palestinian linguistic reality and the fierce Zionist attacks on it and an attempt to cross it, which represents a cycle of the Israeli conflict to erase the Arab and Islamic identity Blessed Palestine. Using the integrative approach.


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