شبهات العقلانيين حول بعض روايات الصحيحين عرض ونقد

شبهات العقلانيين حول بعض روايات الصحيحين عرض ونقد

Abstract Throughout its time, the Prophetic Sunnah has not been spared from malicious and stalkers who want to pounce on it to strike the nation in one of its constants, and the factors for its survival, which is the Prophetic Sunnah. And the nation agreed that the two Sahih of Al- Bukhari and Muslim are the most authentic two books after the Book of God Almighty, and the nation welcomed them with submission, but the enemies of the Sunnah were only exposed to the two Sahih with criticism and slander, so they claimed falsely that the two Sahih contain hadiths that contradict the mind, and I will respond to it through selected models, by including the hadith The location of the suspicion, then the slander and criticism directed at the narration and its author, then the response to this suspicion with what God has made easy for me from the sayings of the people of knowledge, and what God opens up for me from understanding. The research will be organized into an introduction, preface and three chapters, then the most important findings of the research, followed by the most important sources and references.


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BALAGH - Journal of Islamic and Humanities Studies-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2021
  • Yayıncı: Karabük Üniversitesi
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