Social Finance in Bank Islam Malaysia: Sadaqa House as a Model (a Jurisprudential Evaluation Study)

Social Finance in Bank Islam Malaysia: Sadaqa House as a Model (a Jurisprudential Evaluation Study)

Abstract The research aims to study the “House of Charity” product launched by “Bank Islam - Malaysia” as one of the social banking products from a jurisprudential point of view, and evaluate its role in preserving the five necessary Sharia objectives. The product, namely: the rule of agency for investment, the rule of a promise to match the donated amount, up to an assessment of the role of the product in maintaining the necessary purposes. The research used the inductive method in tracking the contents of the subject and collecting the scientific material. And the analytical approach in the study of one of the Islamic social banking products, its jurisprudential analysis and its objective evaluation. The research paper concluded with a number of results, the most important of which are: the interest of the Central Bank of Malaysia in issuing initiatives that serve the categories of social finance in its capacity as the regulator of the Malaysian Islamic financial industry, and the response of the Malaysian Bank Islam to the initiative launched by the Central Bank of Malaysia by issuing a product that uses the donations of donors as a way to implement projects that contribute In serving social groups through Islamic banking. It concluded with some recommendations, including: the need for Bank Islam to fulfill the promise it made to match the donated amount to the house of charity, and to implement the projects that it promised that are in the interest of the social financing categories in order to avoid spoiling the destabilization of the confidence of donors and benefactors in the bank.


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BALAGH - Journal of Islamic and Humanities Studies-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2021
  • Yayıncı: Karabük Üniversitesi