Contemporary Trends in Criticism of Companions: An Analytical Descriptive Study

Contemporary Trends in Criticism of Companions: An Analytical Descriptive Study

Abstract: This research aims to clarify the perspectives and concepts of modernist in criticizing the Companions (Sahabah), may Allah be pleased with them, as some modernists in their stance towards the Companions have a different view unlike the common one among the Ummah. They claim that the position of traditional and contemporary scholars towards the Companions was not objective, and it was not based on reason and the rules of logic, but on sanctifying the Companions, and it is known that attitudes should neither be established nor formed in this manner. That is why these modernists set for themselves rules and principles that they described as subject to the scientific method and rational logic. According to these principles, they allowed themselves to criticize the Companions with mere subjectivity. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to them and explain the corruption of those principles on which they built their judgments. This will be done by answering a fundamental question: What is the starting point of modernists in their criticism of the Companions? The importance of the research lies in the fact that it sheds light on the most important starting points upon which the modernists built their stance towards the Companions, along with some suspicions they stick to, such as those that they raised about Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him. The research adopted the analytical inductive approach, whereby it will take multiple samples of the attitudes of some prominent modernists towards the Companions and then analyse them. The research concluded that the modernists ’starting point in criticizing the Companions is to question their integrity


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