The relation of the science of maqasid with creation and composition. Towards activating the purposive point of view in divine creation
The relation of the science of maqasid with creation and composition. Towards activating the purposive point of view in divine creation
Talking about the purposes of creation: the creation of the universe, the creation of creatures in general, and the creation of man in particular, is of great importance and impact. The Holy Qur’an - and the Sunnah with it - contains hundreds of texts that talk about the purposes of creating the universe with its heavens and earth, its night and its day, its sun and its moon, its winds and its rains, and it contains hundreds of texts that talk about the purposes of creating plants, trees, animals, horses, mules, donkeys and cattle.
The Holy Qur’an includes verses that represent an encyclopedia of purposes in creation, formation, and the creation of plants, animals, and humans, by mentioning detailed purposes for each of his creatures, and overall purposes for creation in general with everything in the world and what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and this indicates the perfection of God Almighty, the omnipotence of His power, and the beauty His creation, and the greatness of His grace upon all creation.
This makes us talk about the desired benefits from knowledge of the purposes of creation: the creation of the universe, the creation of man, the creation of animals, and the creation of plants, and these benefits have great effects. He commanded His Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to reflect on the creation of God Almighty, to improve the religiosity of Muslims, to invite non-Muslims, and other benefits that make looking at the universe and creation important and effective.
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