The meaning of place names in the book of Proverbs by Abu Hilal Al-Askari

The meaning of place names in the book of Proverbs by Abu Hilal Al-Askari

The research seeks to study the place names in Abu Hilal Al-Askari's book (The Gathering of Proverbs) and their symbolic connotations, with the aim of revealing the human dimensions that these names carry, especially those related to the psychological and social aspects of humans. The problem of the research lies in the investigation of those connotations that the researcher touched through his study of the book, and he found that the place occupies a wide semantic space worthy of research, and that is because this vital element has a relationship of influence and influence with man and his life activities, and because of its semantic and aesthetic features that make it It is characterized by great importance within the textual fabric of proverbs, which the researcher will try to stand and study according to a descriptive approach, and based on the structural formulation of proverbs, and what came in linguistic dictionaries of rooting the meanings of those names indicating the place.


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