Achieving social and economic welfare in Medina In the era of Rashıdin Caliphs

Achieving social and economic welfare in Medina In the era of Rashıdin Caliphs

This research aims to clarify aspects of social and economic welfare in Medina during the era of Rashidin Caliphs, as the state aimed to provide a decent life for its subjects, without being satisfied with providing the minimum standards of living. If matters worsened due to emergency reasons - such as the occurrence of a natural pandemic - as happened in the year of “Ramada”, then the leadership shared its plight with the parish, and made its utmost effort to find solutions to those crises. The political leadership also tended to facilitate the parish by encouraging Islamic endowments, expanding the spaces designated for joint grazing, and directing the community to care for the weak, sick, and needy, without distinguishing between its citizens, Muslims and non-Muslims, with the benefit of the postal organization in conveying the news of the parish and their sons from the Mujahideen in the frontiers. The state has offered its assistance in solving the housing problem, and social solidarity has played a major role in solving these problem and provided health care to its citizens. As for the aspects of economic care, they include the expansion of fiefs for the purpose of reconstruction and taking care of increasing water resources in a water-scarce society by nature, while encouraging work, striving and saving for the future.


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