Women and Power: Critical Reading in “The Forgotten Queens Of Islam” by Mernissi Fatima

Women and Power: Critical Reading in “The Forgotten Queens Of Islam” by Mernissi Fatima

Fatima Mernissi is considered one of the most important women’s voices in the Arab world due to what she presented at the level of the issues she raised and the approach she adopted in explaining her cognitive vision. In fact, her work speaks to the present-tense situation of Arab women in particular, but at the same time, they have their roots in historical perspective on contemporary issues, which distinguishes its writings at the international level approaches. Thus, the issue of women is only an extension of what was before, so Mernissi presented an up-to-date reading through which the issue of women and authority between prohibition and prevention, and the legitimate right, arbitrary practice, all of that could be observed on the light of what she did write. But her famous book ‘The Forgotten Sultans’ particularly reveals her general orientation that explains her vision of the subject. And it was a challenge to the official history that was written with masculine pens. It can be considered to cross the inviolable threshold in revealing the relationship between women and authority under religious texts on the one hand, and the social customs that formed law and authority under male domination


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