Regulations of the Muslim Governor's Economic Execution in Light of the Legal Policy

Regulations of the Muslim Governor's Economic Execution in Light of the Legal Policy

Abstract: This study aims to clarify the relations between the legal policy, financial and economical Transactions in the state management system. Hence, it shows what rules must be followed by the Muslim governor in Islamic countries towards investment and public funds developments in the light of legal policy. This study focuses on two main points. First, the relation between legal policy and the Muslim governors’ duties in economic transactions. Second, the Muslim governor's disposition of public funds and controls for its investment and development. A descriptive-analytical approach is used to find a solution and to approach the research problem, which is the failure of Muslim countries to adhere to Sharia controls in economic transactions and the failure of the Muslim governor to stop these transactions according to his duty. The findings show that the duty of the Muslim governor to protect the religion is not limited to the faith, but also includes the preservation of the wealth of Muslims and their natural resources. In addition, real development is considered to be a basic condition for Muslim rulers to dispose of public money, also appointing competent and honest workers to dispose of public money is the responsibility of the ruler. Overall, dealing with Ḥalal Transliteration in various financial and investment transactions.


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BALAGH - Journal of Islamic and Humanities Studies-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2021
  • Yayıncı: Karabük Üniversitesi
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