Suspicions about political and social reform in Islam, analysis of inference from the Qur’anic text and Prophetic tradition regarding the isolation from al-Fitan (seditions)

Suspicions about political and social reform in Islam, analysis of inference from the Qur’anic text and Prophetic tradition regarding the isolation from al-Fitan (seditions)

Abstract This research paper is concerned with rebutting the suspicion (Shubha) of the fall of duty and obligation in the political and social reform by practicing isolation and abandoning the corrupt reality. This suspicion (Shubha) relied on the misunderstanding of some sacred texts, which demand the Muslim to stay away from sedition (Fitnah). The research began with illustrating the significance of refuting this suspicion that misled numbers of scholars and righteous and got they abandoned the reforming process in many societies. Then the research discussed the connotation of these texts on the fall of the obligation of political and social reform and proved the lack of its indication on this matter. Then the research moved to address the right opinion, which was articulated by most of the scholars who opposed this suspicion (Shubha) and explained their evidence. Finally, the research drew a conclusion on the most important findings of the research.


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BALAGH - Journal of Islamic and Humanities Studies-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2021
  • Yayıncı: Karabük Üniversitesi
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