The Role of Fuqaha’ and ’Udaba’ in Confronting Threats Facing Intellectual Security in The First Abbasid Era (132-232H)

The Role of Fuqaha’ and ’Udaba’ in Confronting Threats Facing Intellectual Security in The First Abbasid Era (132-232H)

Abstract This research aims to clarify the role of some ’Fuqaha’ and ’Udaba’ in facing the challenges of intellectual security and protecting it in light of the establishment of the Abbasid state and the spread of many deviant and destructive intellectual movements in its first era, the most prominent of which was the heresy movement (the Order of Zandaqa). The problem statement of this research is that some anti-Islamic ideological sects throughout our Islamic history and to our present time, have been, and continue to pose, a threat to the security of the Islamic community, religiously, intellectually and politically. This research is important because it clarifies the role entrusted to scholars of all specializations in facing any threat to the beliefs, Islamic values or principles that can shake the intellectual and religious convictions of the individual and the Muslim community in the contemporary time. The researcher used the descriptive historical method. The study concluded that both scholars and writers did their role in confronting these first trends and denounced them according to their specialization, intellectual orientation and belief in the best way to face them.


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BALAGH - Journal of Islamic and Humanities Studies-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2021
  • Yayıncı: Karabük Üniversitesi
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