Klâsik Türk edebiyatında, her ne kadar erkek şâirlerin çokluğu dikkat çekse ve 19. yüzyıla kadar az sayıda bayan şâir yetişmiş olsa da, özellikle bu yüzyılda bayan şâir sayısında ciddi bir artış görülmektedir. Kuşkusuz bu durumun en önemli sebeplerinden biri de Osmanlı toplum ve devlet yapısında meydana gelen köklü değişiklerdir. Devlet birçok alanda Batı'dan geri kaldığı kabul etmiş ve bu nedenle yöneticiler tarafından 17. yüzyıldan başlayıp özellikle Lâle Devri'nden itibaren hız kazanan ve devleti içinde bulunduğu olumsuz durumdan kurtarmayı amaçlayan yenilikler yapılmıştır. Bu yenilikler zaman zaman kesintilere uğramakla birlikte, 19. yüzyılda yoğunlaşmış ve sadece askerî alanda yapılan yeniliklerle sınırlı kalmamıştır. Bu değişiklikler kendini her alanda olduğu gibi edebiyatta da göstermiş, belki de toplumsal alanda ve eğitim alanında yapılan değişikliklerin de etkisiyle yirmi civarında kadın şâir bu devirde kalem oynatmıştır. Devrin önemli kadın şâirlerinden biri de Şeref Hanım'dır. Diğer Dîvân şâirleri gibi Şeref Hanım da duygularını ifade etme konusunda hayatın her alanından yararlanma yoluna gitmiş ve incelediğimiz bu şiirde maddî unsurları lirik konularla birleştirip bunları ustalıkla bir arada kullanmıştır. Ticâret ve iktisatla ilgili konular Türk toplumunda, hele hele o yüzyıllarda, genelde erkekleri ilgilendiren hususlar olurken bir kadın şâirin bu konuya değinmesi ayrıca dikkati çekmektedir


Trade is an activity that people have been doing for thousands of years. At the beginning, it was done as a local swapping activity, but then depending on the population growth, it spread all over the world. The trade become a very important element after the states were founded, and it was one of the most important factors on the development of them. Turkish Literature poets, who were the spokesmen of the time they lived, gave place to the commercial issues in their poems. By looking at this commercial related poems, we can learn a lot about how the trade was used as an educational method, why people traded, who were called as traders, the risk of trading, how much a trader can earn by sufficient capital, how a trader can go bankrupt, what kind of products he sells, where the important trading centers are, etc. In this article, we will examine the educational purpose of trading at Turkish Literature and what kinds of educational issues were used by poets. If we take a look at the issues relevant in this regard, we can infer that the main purpose of a person who goes into business is to profit. Otherwise, losing money is also a part of trade: The bankrupt is inevitable if you start with insufficient capital: The trading has also a customer side. A customer should also have some capital to have a trading activity: There are some trading bazaars and they sell products here: The Ottoman, described as ill people by Westerns, made a lot of reforms especially in the 19th century, so as to finish the troubles in the state structure and the social life, and announced two important document named as Tanzimant Fermanı and İslahat Fermanı. The changes in literature caused by the light of these developments were not so positive. But a good point was that the number of female poets had increased. One of these poets was Şeref Hanım. Şeref Hanım was one of the Turkish Literature poets who lived in the 19th Century. She was born in Istanbul. There is not enough information about her in the archives. As far as we can understand from the resources and poems, she was a religious woman and had a Mevlevi sect. She had poems about that sect and its important people. She had a book called Dîvân. Dîvân earned her an important place among other female poets, by its special language and content. Şeref Hanım had a poor life and complained about other people’s indifference. We can infer from her praises to the Emperor Mahmud 2 and Valide Sultan, she had a life with financial problems. In her five-clause poem, her sentences about commercial and economical issues give us this impression. Now, we will examine one of her poems and look at the commercial terms and their meanings. In the first stanza, places, where trade is made, such as marketplace, market, bazaar, bedesten take attention. In addition, we notice some words such as seller, customer and goods which are indispensable elements of trading. Here, the poet makes some analogies. Her own heart is a bazaar, where as the heart of her enemies are shops in this bazaar. In other words, she sees herself as a better person than her rivals. In other stanza, a trader goes bankrupt in a trading with her lover as she gives her good (that’s her love here) as free to him. She sheds lots of tears, which are so valuable, for her lover, but as they go waste she loses lots of money and goes bankrupt. At a trade, the seller loses money as he sells his goods at a lower price than their real value. Here, as an analogy, the poet loses her valuable tears as free and goes bankrupt. The poet used commercial things in the last section for expressing his clear way of speaking. To put it simply, lover walks around in the covered bazaar for shopping and the lover sells own valuable goods due to his/her love. The love bankrupts lover. The most important thing that the lover takes pleasure this situation. Otherwise 'strike a bargain, go to waste, get something on the cheap, feather one's nest, benefit from, spend, waste, appreciate are used all of the poetry and these statements reinforce meaning of the poetry. The poet is a person who interprets the feeling of the community, describes the material and spiritual values on his production, so the poet reflects our secret emotions on his Works. Lady Şeref is one of the rare poetess in the Dîvân literature and she lived in 19. century. Lady Şeref used commercial things in her productions. Besides all of these, she processed love as a main subject. she made the poetry more interesting both explaining the love and mentioning her poetry on the last strophe. The poets of Dîvân literature process elements of material life on his works for different aims but Lady Şeref used this element all of her works. You need to know the life of Ottoman woman in order to explain this situation. That day’s woman was less social comparing with today’s woman and they were less in a position to go out into the community. But it is necessary to specify that her role in the social life was big. The community was aware of that. Women went out into the Street in the direction of moral values of the people, they toured and they were fun. That day’s woman lived quite comfortable and free life in ıstanbul and the other developed cities. She liked shopping as usual and especially she liked touring in the trading places like jeweler, shoeseller. Lady Şeref has gotten this aspect of the life in her poem. It was emphasized that the bacbone of a house and the living was women in society in the proverb ‘’ Female birds build home.’’ Using these elements, expressing this fact and viewing in terms of how to Show that the female sensivity to these issues are extremely important as a poetess. Otherwise the economic conditions of the Ottoman is one of the important point in this subject.


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