Edebi metinler, özellikle düz yazıyla ifade biçimine kavuşan roman, hikâye ve tiyatro metinleri, insanı merkeze alan anlatım olanağıyla şiirden farklı bir varoluş tasarımıdır. Roman ise bu türler içinde sosyal, siyasi ve kültür odağıyla bakmaya daha uygun bir tür olması, adeta hayatın içinden çıkması, genellikle gerçekleşmiş ve ya gerçekleşmesi mümkün olaylara değinmesi sebebiyle yüzyıllar boyunca yazınsal birikime ve toplumsal değerlere önemli katkılar sağlamıştır. Özellikle bu sosyal, siyasi ve kültür boyutunu ele alma adına, çağdaş Rus romanının ve gümüş çağın en önemli isimlerinden, sosyalist gerçekçi edebiyatın öncülerinden Gorki, bireysel varoluş sancıları çeken bir toplumun kadın üzerinden inşa edilen farkındalık düzeyinin yükselmesi, insanın ve emeğin değerlenmesi noktasında son derece faydalı olmuş bir romancıdır. İnsana, insan emeğine; dolayısıyla topluma, topluma özgü birçok olguya verdiği değerin yanında Gorki, özellikle Ana romanında kadını/anneyi güçlü ve değerli kılmak adına büyük emek sarf etmiştir. O güne dek yapılmış, yerleşmiş, genel geçer kadın/anne tariflerinin dışına çıkan Gorki, varoluşundan itibaren bir teslimiyet timsali haline gelen, bu teslimiyeti, çoğu zaman kaybedişleri, kabullenişi, bir ömür adeta bir kambur gibi sırtında taşıyan kadına farklı anlamlar yüklemenin yanı sıra, istediği takdirde kadının neler başarabileceğini de gözler önüne sermiştir. Dolayısıyla bu makale, Gorki'nin romanda başkişi olarak anlatılan 'anne'/ 'ana' karakterinin yaşadığı dönüşümün ideolojik ve evrensel boyutunu tartışma amacındadır


Literary texts, especially prose with reached form of expression novel, story and playbook, with opportunity to take people inside of center an unlike poetry existence. Among these types novel is better option to focus on social, political and cultural, say to say came out inside of life, generally touches upon occurred or have possilibity to occurre cases, for that reason for centuries contributes literary values and social values. Especially to take up these social, political and cultural dimensions, contemporary Russian novel and one of the most important name of silver age, one of the Pioneer socialist realist literature Gorky, a society which suffering pangs of individual existence, the rise in the level of awareness built over woman, point of human and labor gets valuation a novelist was extremely helpful. To people, to labor of people; consequently for society, in addition to community-specific value given in many cases Gorky, especially in his main novel he put soo much effort to show women/mother powerful and valuable. Until that day, ingrained, Gorky took beyond descriptions of an ordinary women/mother, since coming into existence the epitome of a submission, this submission, most of time his lose, his acceptance, a woman carrying on her back like a hump for lifetime, in addition of put diffrent meanings, he also displayed when they want they can achieve soo many stuffs. Therefore this article, in Gorky’s novel decribe as headliner “Mother/Mom” character is lived intends to discuss the ideological and global dimensions of transformation. figure is 'mother'. Continue in Pelageya ideological assimilation of all its actions, gathering around and almost exchange the place with Pavel; Gorky's expression the 'mother' concept and extension of the traditional sense of disinterested and infinite love, mercy, point of protecion and sacrifice idealized representation of the revolutionary character of the qualification point is jarring. When looking such a point of view, in period moved to the forefront of literary works in any type of woman conversion of an idea, which he stressed is not so much a representation of Pelegeya. Both early feminism, both post-feminism women detection, undergone a qualitative change such as 'women' and 'mother' image is never bent on that much. That’s why Pelageya, revolutionary subject structure of the expression of Gorky and the idea of dialectical exchange between mother and son, which is a radical type of consumable for the awareness level of society. Just like in Prometheus myth, Pelageya fire to society, so she is the character who carrying information mobilizing the masses. Therefore this study, in Gorky’s novel decribe as headliner “Mother/Mom” character is lived intends to discuss the ideological and global dimensions of transformation. And the universal nutrious and referential of mother purport is the main theme of this study that has a point of basis value. In this article, Pelageya is an upper fictional character and she symbolizes the Soviet revolutionary subject. Pelageya is main constituant of culture. If she has an evolution, the smallest constituants sociologically eve have an evolution and diffusion. Such a human is a social central type of humanity. And the beginning of changing of fact is shaped on her. In this study we have tried to explain revival of a woman, her story from mother to revolutionary and her fight for children and society without thinking of her own life. The author has gave the name “mother” to his work because the author tells us the main point of work “mother” and ‘motherhood’ and the limitless and unconditional son love of her, conducts to waken her up and to awareness. A mother, started to the way with loving her son, then even gave up her own life in this way. More precisely, son love in the mother’s heart became a popular ideology of community love soon. A woman waking up with a whole society, the whole of humanity awakened a rebirth of a resurrection as the main subject, Pelageya is a public fact, a homeland has actually symbolizes an whole Russia


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