Psychological Support Program for Teenagers of Suicidal Behavior

Currently, the problem of suicide among teenagers is very relevant and topical. This article discusses not only the theoretical aspect of the problem, the authors also offer practical material, developed a program of psychological support for adolescents suicidal behavior. This program promotes diagnostic procedures and preventive measures that will help reduce the risk of suicide among adolescents. Also, this development will help to organize a positive micro-environment around the teenager, allowing him to change his negative state and form a positive attitude to life.

Psychological Support Program for Teenagers of Suicidal Behavior

Currently, the problem of suicide among teenagers is very relevant and topical. This article discusses not only the theoretical aspect of the problem, the authors also offer practical material, developed a program of psychological support for adolescents suicidal behavior. This program promotes diagnostic procedures and preventive measures that will help reduce the risk of suicide among adolescents. Also, this development will help to organize a positive micro-environment around the teenager, allowing him to change his negative state and form a positive attitude to life.


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