Features and Essence of Marketing For Physical Culture and Sports

The article discusses the development of marketing ideas in the field of physical education and sports. As a general economic term, the goal of marketing is defined – to provide customers with tools or services that are responsible for instrumental or symbolic requests. An analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature shows that marketing is understood as an integrated system of organizations for the production of products, focused on meeting the needs and profit of specific consumers, studying the external and internal environment of the production-exporter, developing strategies and tactics for conducting the market using marketing programs. Regarding sports marketing, it is built and built on the general principles of industrial and economic marketing in general, in other words, a mechanism is proposed by which the modern market economy can commercialize sports. In the study of the authors, sports marketing is considered as a special product that requires specific laws in the field of physical culture.

Features and Essence of Marketing For Physical Culture and Sports

The article discusses the development of marketing ideas in the field of physical education and sports. As a general economic term, the goal of marketing is defined – to provide customers with tools or services that are responsible for instrumental or symbolic requests. An analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature shows that marketing is understood as an integrated system of organizations for the production of products, focused on meeting the needs and profit of specific consumers, studying the external and internal environment of the production-exporter, developing strategies and tactics for conducting the market using marketing programs. Regarding sports marketing, it is built and built on the general principles of industrial and economic marketing in general, in other words, a mechanism is proposed by which the modern market economy can commercialize sports. In the study of the authors, sports marketing is considered as a special product that requires specific laws in the field of physical culture.


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