On Modeling Ethno-Linguistic Consciousness In Pedagogical Discourse

The issue of ethno-cultural language consciousness touches upon the correlation problems between language and thinking in the aspect of their national specificity. The sphere of thinking and the sphere of language are considered as an inseparable unity of the two sides of the process of thought organizing. Language is defined as a system of signs that ensures the existence and development of ethno-cultural consciousness and national code. The importance of the role of language consciousness in the process of teaching foreign languages is emphasized. The study of aforeign language in multicultural education should be accompanied by cultural and historical information about the language personality, its language consciousness, and the peculiarities of ethnic worldview. It is noted that the understanding of language facts should take into account cultural, historical, social and mental facts.

On Modeling Ethno-Linguistic Consciousness In Pedagogical Discourse

The issue of ethno-cultural language consciousness touches upon the correlation problems between language and thinking in the aspect of their national specificity. The sphere of thinking and the sphere of language are considered as an inseparable unity of the two sides of the process of thought organizing. Language is defined as a system of signs that ensures the existence and development of ethno-cultural consciousness and national code. The importance of the role of language consciousness in the process of teaching foreign languages is emphasized. The study of aforeign language in multicultural education should be accompanied by cultural and historical information about the language personality, its language consciousness, and the peculiarities of ethnic worldview. It is noted that the understanding of language facts should take into account cultural, historical, social and mental facts.


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