Personality of Farabi – cognition of Turkic people (Abu Nasir al-Farabi – 1150)

The article tells about the famous scientist Abu Nasr al-Farabi and about his name, place of birth and cities where he studied. In this case, the materials are differentiated based on the original name, surname, and properties of the historical person. It also examines the traditions of naming people of Eastern Nations, and the opinions of historians about the place of birth of the scientist. Then follows the education of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, the first half of which he received at home, and then continued in the cities of Shash, Samarkand, Bukhara, Baghdad, and Damascus, where he also mastered several languages. The authors emphasize the fact that he was educated and worked in various cultural centers of his time and received international recognition throughout the world, and that there is a need to study his legacy in the context of spiritual heritage.

Personality of Farabi – cognition of Turkic people (Abu Nasir al-Farabi – 1150)

The article tells about the famous scientist Abu Nasr al-Farabi and about his name, place of birth and cities where he studied. In this case, the materials are differentiated based on the original name, surname, and properties of the historical person. It also examines the traditions of naming people of Eastern Nations, and the opinions of historians about the place of birth of the scientist. Then follows the education of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, the first half of which he received at home, and then continued in the cities of Shash, Samarkand, Bukhara, Baghdad, and Damascus, where he also mastered several languages. The authors emphasize the fact that he was educated and worked in various cultural centers of his time and received international recognition throughout the world, and that there is a need to study his legacy in the context of spiritual heritage.


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