Methodical Problems of Multicultural Development

This article discusses the phased system of multicultural personality development and methodical problems and is characterized by the conclusions of many of the views of domestic and foreign scientists. Competitiveness associated with the professional values of students, reflects the multinational approaches. Taking into account the peculiarities of the scientific-methodology and trends of development, the study of the formation and development of multi-cultural personality should be based on a number of methodological and theoretical knowledge, pedagogues and principles and methods used today in the country and in the world science practice. To date, the Republic of Kazakhstan pays a lot of attention to cooperation among peoples and multiculturalism. In particular, there is a need for future professionals to become polycultural in professional education institutions.

Methodical Problems of Multicultural Development

This article discusses the phased system of multicultural personality development and methodical problems and is characterized by the conclusions of many of the views of domestic and foreign scientists. Competitiveness associated with the professional values of students, reflects the multinational approaches. Taking into account the peculiarities of the scientific-methodology and trends of development, the study of the formation and development of multi-cultural personality should be based on a number of methodological and theoretical knowledge, pedagogues and principles and methods used today in the country and in the world science practice. To date, the Republic of Kazakhstan pays a lot of attention to cooperation among peoples and multiculturalism. In particular, there is a need for future professionals to become polycultural in professional education institutions.


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