The Importance of Formation of Professional Mobility of Future Teachers

The article discusses the essence of the formation of professional mobility of future teachers. We define the professional mobility of a future teacher as a personality trait that facilitates a quick response to a situation of difficulty and actualizes all potential possibilities of a student’s subjective activity when choosing options and methods for solving professional pedagogical problems and predicting professional self-realization. It was clarified that the professional mobility of the future teacher is the foundation for the effectiveness of its response to various problem situations that take shape in the educational process and in society.

The Importance of Formation of Professional Mobility of Future Teachers

The article discusses the essence of the formation of professional mobility of future teachers. We define the professional mobility of a future teacher as a personality trait that facilitates a quick response to a situation of difficulty and actualizes all potential possibilities of a student’s subjective activity when choosing options and methods for solving professional pedagogical problems and predicting professional self-realization. It was clarified that the professional mobility of the future teacher is the foundation for the effectiveness of its response to various problem situations that take shape in the educational process and in society.


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