Entropy of Nonequilibrium Systems

From the point of view of synergy, the concept of information and informational entropy of the most universal statistical characteristics of nonequilibrium phenomena accompanying the stochastization of a dynamic system is introduced. In synergy information is the main object of research. Informational entropy determines the average probability of knowing the information. The article discusses the possibilities for determining entropy, which depends on time and coordinates in non-equilibrium processes, namely questions of the equation of entropy balance, entropy production, as well as the principles of minimum entropy and maximum information.

Entropy of Nonequilibrium Systems

From the point of view of synergy, the concept of information and informational entropy of the most universal statistical characteristics of nonequilibrium phenomena accompanying the stochastization of a dynamic system is introduced. In synergy information is the main object of research. Informational entropy determines the average probability of knowing the information. The article discusses the possibilities for determining entropy, which depends on time and coordinates in non-equilibrium processes, namely questions of the equation of entropy balance, entropy production, as well as the principles of minimum entropy and maximum information.


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