Training of Future Designers for the Formation of Aesthetic Culture Through Crafts

The article refers to the development of the young generation, the need for harmonious education of young people according to the message “Mangilіk El”, the desire to take the leading places in the number of developed civilized countries, the formation of the aesthetic culture of future designers through applied art is one of the unresolved problems of teaching applied art. There is the analyzes to the works of artists, teachers, art historians, artists in order to expand the concepts of national applied art. The opinions given in this article allow to systematize the meaning of the concept of national applied art. As well, there are suggestions on the definition of creative work in the process of performing national applied art.It will also discuss the art of the Kazakh people, the activities of the masters of art, and their various works, compare the future and the past of Kazakh art; about raising students' diligence, communication skills, finding a way to the heart of students, instilling in them a love for their native land, art.

Training of Future Designers for the Formation of Aesthetic Culture Through Crafts

The article refers to the development of the young generation, the need for harmonious education of young people according to the message “Mangilіk El”, the desire to take the leading places in the number of developed civilized countries, the formation of the aesthetic culture of future designers through applied art is one of the unresolved problems of teaching applied art. There is the analyzes to the works of artists, teachers, art historians, artists in order to expand the concepts of national applied art. The opinions given in this article allow to systematize the meaning of the concept of national applied art. As well, there are suggestions on the definition of creative work in the process of performing national applied art. It will also discuss the art of the Kazakh people, the activities of the masters of art, and their various works, compare the future and the past of Kazakh art; about raising students' diligence, communication skills, finding a way to the heart of students, instilling in them a love for their native land, art.


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