The Main Directions of Advertising in Linguistic Research

This article discusses the importance of advertising in the process of globalization, the functions performed in society, the definition of the language of advertising, conducting comprehensive domestic and foreign research in the field of advertising. The relationship of advertising with the public, the emergence, formation, stages of development of advertising. In particular, the features of advertising, which presents the types of advertising images, in particular, the manifestations of national culture in oral literature, were identified. In addition, advertising as a multiparty phenomenon in the modern world, as advertising in linguistic research. The main directions (anthropocentric aspect, gender direction, cognitive direction, linguoculturology, psycholinguistic advertising message, advertising within the cognitive direction, etc.) are studied.

The Main Directions of Advertising in Linguistic Research

This article discusses the importance of advertising in the process of globalization, the functions performed in society, the definition of the language of advertising, conducting comprehensive domestic and foreign research in the field of advertising. The relationship of advertising with the public, the emergence, formation, stages of development of advertising. In particular, the features of advertising, which presents the types of advertising images, in particular, the manifestations of national culture in oral literature, were identified. In addition, advertising as a multiparty phenomenon in the modern world, as advertising in linguistic research. The main directions (anthropocentric aspect, gender direction, cognitive direction, linguoculturology, psycholinguistic advertising message, advertising within the cognitive direction, etc.) are studied.


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