The Impact of City Development on the Urbanization Process

The article shows the role of cities and the urbanization process in the history of the state. The process of urbanization in Kazakhstan began from ancient times and today reaches a different level. In the article, on the basis of statistical data, changes in the process of urbanization of a quarter- century history of independent Kazakhstan were considered. The authors made a historical analysis of the impact of urbanization processes on the development of the country. In the example of Astana, problems of the development prospects of the city and their influence on urbanization processes are revealed.

The Impact of City Development on the Urbanization Process

The article shows the role of cities and the urbanization process in the history of the state. The process of urbanization in Kazakhstan began from ancient times and today reaches a different level. In the article, on the basis of statistical data, changes in the process of urbanization of a quarter- century history of independent Kazakhstan were considered. The authors made a historical analysis of the impact of urbanization processes on the development of the country. In the example of Astana, problems of the development prospects of the city and their influence on urbanization processes are revealed.


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