Scientific and Pedagogical Bases of Training of University Students to the Organization of Basketball in Schools

This scientific article deals with the issues of attracting students of secondary schools to basketball sports and improving the efficiency of healthy lifestyle. The educational process is determined by the level of the problem and its solutions. In addition, they discussed the organization of sports and technical training and education of the younger generation in basketball. In particular, we talk about the combination and contribution of basketball games to physical training, educational purposes, as well as ensuring the balanced development of young people, which allows them to master sports approaches and achieve good results. The system of realization of physical culture-improving and educational work directed on strengthening and all-round development of health of teenagers is offered.

Scientific and Pedagogical Bases of Training of University Students to the Organization of Basketball in Schools

This scientific article deals with the issues of attracting students of secondary schools to basketball sports and improving the efficiency of healthy lifestyle. The educational process is determined by the level of the problem and its solutions. In addition, they discussed the organization of sports and technical training and education of the younger generation in basketball. In particular, we talk about the combination and contribution of basketball games to physical training, educational purposes, as well as ensuring the balanced development of young people, which allows them to master sports approaches and achieve good results. The system of realization of physical culture-improving and educational work directed on strengthening and all-round development of health of teenagers is offered.


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