Bu araştırmanın amacı, 12 yıllık zorunlu eğitim ile gerçekleştirilen sosyal bilgiler öğretimine ilişkin, sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin görüş ve değerlendirmelerinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Çalışmanın diğer bir amacı ise eğitim sisteminde uygulanan 12 yıllık zorunlu eğitim yapılanması ile beraber sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde modelin oluşturmuş olduğu etkilerin çoklu değerlendirilmesinin yapılmasıdır. Araştırmada, nicel ve nitel araştırma yöntemlerinin birlikte kullanıldığı karma araştırma modeline (mixed method) uygun hareket edilmiştir. Karma modellerden de açıklayıcı desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın, nicel aşamasında tarama modeli esas alınmış olup araştırma tarama modellerinden genel tarama modeline tasarlanmıştır. Nitel çalışmada ise yine araştırmalarda çok yaygın olarak kullanılan durum çalışması yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemleri içerisinde yer alan durum çalışması, örnek olay çalışması olarak da bilinir. Nicel araştırma evrenini 2013-2014 yılları arasında Niğde'de bulunan tüm sosyal bilgiler öğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Ölçek uygulanan sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinden 214'ü araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Nitel araştırmada ise yine Niğde sınırları içinde 20 sosyal bilgiler öğretmeni ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Çalışmada veri toplama amacıyla öğretmenler için yarıyapılandırılmış görüşme formu ve ölçek araştırmacının kendisi tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Nicel veriler SPSS programıyla, nitel veriler ise içerik ve betimsel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Nicel ve nitel araştırmalar farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmiş olup bunlara ait bulgular araştırma içerisinde yer verilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda alt boyutlardan branşlaşma, sosyal etkileşim ve 7. ders saati incelenmiş olup, öğretmenlerin genel olarak sosyal etkileşime ve 5. sınıf sosyal söylenebilirken, sosyal bilgiler dersinin 7. ders saatinde işlenmesine olumsuz baktıkları genel olarak söylenebilir. bilgiler dersindeki branşlaşmaya olumlu baktıkları


The aim of this study is to present the views and evaluations of Social Studies teachers in terms of teaching Social Studies within 12- year compulsory education. As a result of 12-year compulsory education, another aim of the study is to have the multiple evaluation of the effects of model in Social Studies teaching. During the study, mixed method which applies both quantitative and qualitative research methods is followed. Explanatory design among the mixed methods is applied. Survey model is based on the quantitative stage and it is convenient to general survey model. Situation study method is commonly applied at qualitative research method. Situation study is also known as case study at qualitative research method. The population of quantitative research consists of all Social Studies teachers who are in Niğde between 2013-2014. 214 of teachers who are applied to the scale are included into the research. At the qualitative research 20 Social Studies teachers are interviewed. On the purpose of data collection, for teachers, semi-structured interview form and scale are developed by the researcher. Quantitative data is analyzed by SPSS programme, qualitative data is analyzed as its content and descriptive. Quantitative data were analyzed by SPSS program. Accordingly with this it seems that items are divided in to three dimensions. First item was called as branching since it includes issues regarding effects over student and teachers because of reason that branch teachers have given education for 5th class instead of classroom teachers as result of 12 year compulsory education. In 2nd item there is interaction between 5 th class students and parents with social studies teachers which had started to develop as result of 12 year compulsory education. 3rd dimension was called as 7th course hour since daily course hours have increased with 12 year compulsory education and effects of social studies course over students and teachers when it is given at 7th hour. Quantitative researches were examined with respect to different variables and findings regarding with this are presented within study. Sub dimensions such as branching, social interaction and 7th course hour were examined as result of study and it can be said that teachers generally consider social interaction and branching at 5th class social studies lesson positively by they consider giving social studies course at 7th hour negatively. Ortaokullarda Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretiminin Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre İncelenmesi 261 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 Results which were obtained based on research finding and interpretation were given in this section. 1. When we examine descriptive statistics regarding with sub dimensions of scale, it can be said that teachers consider branching in social studies teaching which was realized with 12 year compulsory education as the most positive dimension, they consider social interaction as positive dimension and they consider social studies courses which were instructed in 7. course hour as negative. It was determined that increase in course hours of 5th class caused spiritual and mental problem in students according to opinions of teachers and managers (222 people) which were obtained in study carried out by Durmuşçelebi and Bilgili (2014) with title “New (12 year) Educational System, Faced Problems and Examination of Some Examples around the world. This study supports the negative consideration of teachers about social studies lesson which were instructed in 7th course hour. 2. When relationship between sun dimensions of scale and teacher’s gender are examined it was determined that female teachers have more positive opinion about branching in social studies course in 5th class with respect to male teachers and this difference was found as significant. Briefly it seems that there is significant difference between branch average score and total score of male and female teaches in favor of female teachers. When we consider second sub dimension it can be observed that female teachers reported more positive opinion about social interaction with respect to male teaches but this difference was not found to be significant. When we examine third sub dimension it was found that male and female teachers have almost same opinion and there is not significant difference between them. When we examine scale total scores, it is observed that there is significant difference between ideas of male and female teachers. When average scores are observed, it is observed that significant difference has occurred out of countenance of male teachers. When the qualitative data are analyzed, we can say that female teachers look more positive to branching compared to male teachers in quantitative data as well as in qualitative data, female teachers are more positive in terms of social interaction compared to male teachers and when we evaluate in terms of 7th course hour, we can say that the opinions of both male and female teachers are negative. When we examine the qualitative data, it can be said that the quantitative findings are in the nature of supporting qualitative data. 3. When scale sub dimensions are examined with respect to teacher’s ages, it was observed that there is not significant in teacher’s opinions based on branching, social interaction and 7. course hour sub dimensions and score total point with respect to When quantitative findings are examined, it is observed that social studies teachers at ages of 20- 30, 31- 40, 41 and more are generally think positive about branching. When we examine social interaction sub dimension with respect to age interval, it can be observed that teachers at ages of 20-30, age of 40 262 Muzaffer ÇATAK Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 and more ages, age of 31-40 have average result close to each other and they seem to be positive. When we consider the 7th course hour, it can be observed that teachers at certain age interval considers 7th course as negative and their opinion seems to close each other. When sub- dimensions are examined in terms of qualitative findings; the qualitative findings seems to support the quantitative findings. 4. Regarding with social studies teaching which was carried out by 12 year compulsory education it was found that there is not any significant difference between graduation years of teachers and branching, social interaction, 7 course hour sub dimensions. When first and second sub dimension of quantitative findings are examined it is observed that opinions of social studies teaches who have graduate before 2006 and who have graduated after 2006 are close to each other. When quantitative findings for third sub dimension are examined teachers who have graduated before 2006 and after 2006 that is both groups consider 7. course as negative. When sub- dimensions are examined in terms of qualitative findings; the qualitative findings seems to support the quantitative findings. 5. It was found that there is not significant difference between serving years of social studies teachers and branching, social interaction and 7th course hour with respect to total score of scale. When first sub dimension is examined quantitatively, it can be observed that teachers having 6- 10, 11- 15, 16- 20, 1- 5 year experience are more positive with respect to teachers having 21 or more year experience. When second dimension regarding with social interaction is examined in quantitative finding, it is observed that teachers who had served for certain years generally consider the social interaction positively. When branching and social interaction are analyzed in terms of qualitative findings, they seem to support the quantitative findings. When third sub dimension regarding with 7 th course hour is examined in quantitative finding it can be said that social studies teachers having 21 or more year experience and 1-5 year serving time considered the social studies teaching in 7th course hour positively. Contrary with this it can be said that teachers having 6- 10, 11- 15, 16- 20, 1- 5 year experience consider 7th course hour negatively. In qualitative research we conducted, it can be said that the teachers serving for 21 years and more and from 1 to 5 years generally find 7th course hour to be negative and the qualitative findings in these service years do not support the quantitative findings. Because while 90% of our teachers in the qualitative study find 7th course hour negative, 95% of them find the effects of it on the students negative. An interviewer of them reported Ortaokullarda Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretiminin Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre İncelenmesi 263 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 that he didn’t feel any negativity in 7th course hour except for guarding days. Another teacher mentions a negative aspect of 7th course hour but he didn’t find 7th course hour negative in terms of both teachers and students. All other teachers find 7th course hour negative in terms of both teachers and students. 6. When it is quantitatively examined Significant difference was not observed between 7th course hour and graduation fields. It is observed that there is significant difference in scores which were obtained from branching sub dimension. When results of comparison test of Mann Whitney U test which was carried out for determining where the difference occurs between graduation fields of teaches and group order averages are considered, it is observed that this difference has occurred between history teaching and classroom teaching of faculty of education and History department of faculty of literature and science and classroom teaching, out of countenance of classroom teaching. It is observed that there is significant difference in scores which were obtained from social interaction sub dimension. When results of double comparison test which was carried out for determining where the difference occurs between graduation fields of teachers and group order averages are considered, it is observed that this difference has occurred between history teaching and classroom teaching of faculty of education and History department of faculty of literature and science and classroom teaching, out of countenance of classroom teaching. It is observed that there is significant difference in scores which were obtained from entire scale with respect to graduation fields. When results of double comparison test which was carried out for determining where the difference occurs between graduation fields of teachers and group order averages are considered, it is observed that this difference has occurred between history teaching and classroom teaching of faculty of education and History department of faculty of literature and science and classroom teaching, and geographical teaching of and classroom teaching of faculty of Education out of countenance of classroom teaching When first sub dimension regarding with quantitative findings are examined it can be mentioned that social studies teachers graduated from Faculty of Education History Teaching, Faculty of Science and Literature History, Geoography Teaching, Faculty of Education Geography Teaching, Faculty of Education Social Sciences teaching, Faculty of Science and Literature Geography Department considers branching positive. When second sub dimension regarding with social interaction is examined it can be observed that in general manner graduates if Faculty of Science and Literature, Faculty of Education History Teaching, Faculty of Education Geography teaching, Faculty of Education social Studies Teaching, Faculty of Sciences and Literature Geography department and Classroom teaching consider it positively. When the first and second sub-dimensions are analyzed in terms of qualitative findings; the qualitative findings seem to support the quantitative findings. 264 Muzaffer ÇATAK Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 When third sub dimension regarding with regarding with instructing social studies in 7th course hour it can be observed that graduates of Faculty of Science and Literature History and Classroom teaching consider it positively. Unlike this case, these branch teachers can be said to be negative in the qualitative data. As a result, in this respect qualitative findings do not support the quantitative findings. It can be mentioned that graduates of Faculty of Education Geography Teaching, Faculty of Education History Teaching, Faculty of Education History Teaching, Faculty of Science and Literature Geography Department, Faculty of Education Social Studies Teaching considers teaching social studies in 7th hour as negative. 7. When quantitative examination is carried out regarding with teaching of social studies by teachers as result of 12 year compulsory education; it was found that there is not significant difference between branching and educational status of teachers, and branching, social interaction and 7th course hour with respect to total score of scale. When we consider branching sub dimension in quantitative findings it can be observed that teachers having education level of master degree considers branching in social studies courses in 5th class which was realized by 12 year compulsory education as positive with respect to teachers having bachelor degree. It is observed that social studies teachers having bachelor and master degree consider social interaction positively. When we consider third sub dimension quantitatively regarding with instructing social studies course in 7th hour as result of social studies teaching which was carried out as result of 12 year compulsory education it can be said that social studies teachers having bachelor degrees considers this positive partially and social studies teachers having master degree considers this negatively. In general, according to data from qualitative interviews we have, 88 or 89% of the teachers in undergraduate education find 7th course hour negative on teachers, while 94,73% of them find it negative on the students. Accordingly, it can be said that the quantitative findings and the qualitative findings at the undergraduate level do not support each other. The qualitative findings and quantitative findings at post graduate level can be said to support each other in terms of negativity. 8. It was found in quantitative examination regarding social studies teaching which was realized as result of 12 year compulsory education it was observed that there is not significant difference between place of duty of teachers and branching and 7th course hour and additionally total score of scale. It is observed that there is significant difference between scores which were obtained from sub dimensions of social interaction and place of duty. When results of Mann U whitney comparison tests which was realized in which residential areas this difference occurred and group order averages are considered it was observed that this difference has occurred between city and town and town and village out of countenance of village. Ortaokullarda Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretiminin Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre İncelenmesi 265 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 When first sub dimension regarding with branching in quantitative findings are examined it can be mentioned that social studies teachers working in city, district town and villages consider branching in social studies teaching at 5th class as result of 12 year compulsory education positively. When second sub dimension regarding with social interaction in quantitative findings are examined it can be mentioned that social studies teachers working in city, district town and villages consider branching in social studies teaching at 5th class as result of 12 year compulsory education positively. When the first and second sub-dimensions are analyzed in terms of qualitative findings; the qualitative findings seem to support the quantitative findings. When we examined third sub dimension regarding with 7th course hour in in quantitative analysis it can be mentioned that social studies teachers working in town and cities consider instructing social studies at 7th hour in social studies teaching at 5th class as result of 12 year compulsory education partially positive. Unlike this case, these teachers can be said to be negative in the qualitative data. As a result, in this respect qualitative findings do not support the quantitative findings. And it can be mentioned that social studies teachers working in city and district consider 7th course hour negatively. When studies are considered; study of Örs, Erdoğan and Kipici (2013), 12 Year Interrupted Compulsory Education with Educational Manager’s perspective: Iğdır Example was carried out with 132 educational managers. It was found in realized study that even though there are physical space and time problems are experienced, it is observed that it is aimed that students discover and develop their abilities and interest by increasing the hours of elective courses and also students and parents follow this case sensitively and as result their satisfaction increase.
