Geçmişten günümüze geçerliliğini korumuş olan bütün duygu, düşünce, dil, sanat, yaşayış unsurlarının tümünü bir arada tutan kuvvet kültürdür. Kültürü ayakta tutan ve geleceğe taşınmasında aktif rol oynayan sosyolojik unsur ise toplumdur. Toplum, kültürün ortaya çıkmasında, devamlılığında ve geleceğe taşınmasında büyük rol oynamaktadır. Kültürün toplum tarafından oluşturup gelecek kuşaklara aktarılmasında ise en önemli unsur dildir. Dil, kültürün temel yapıtaşlarından biridir. Dil sadece bu özelliği ile bile büyük önem arz etmektedir. Kültür edinimi, önce ailede başlar ve gelişerek okulda devam eder. Ailede sözlü iletişimle başlayan kültür edinimi süreci, okulda ders kitapları ve öğretmenler aracılığıyla sistemli bir şekilde devam eder. Kültür aktarımı sürecinde önem teşkil eden unsurlardan biri olan ders kitaplarında, milli kültür ögelerini içinde barındıran metinlere yer verilmesi, öğrencilerin bu değerleri içselleştirmesi açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Kültür aktarımında, özellikle Türkçe ders kitabındaki metinlerin kullanıldığı göz önünde tutulursa kültür aktarımı için ders kitabında kullanılacak metinlerin seçimi aşamasında öğrencilerin gelişimi açısından hassas olunması gerektiği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle özellikle metinlerde dil ile ilgili kültürel ögelere yeterince yer verilmelidir. Nitel araştırma teknikleri, insan davranışlarının amacını araştırması bakımından nicel araştırma tekniklerine göre özellikle sosyal bilimler alanlarında daha kullanışlıdır (Ergün, 2005). Bu nedenle, bu araştırmada nitel araştırma tekniklerinden doküman analizi kullanılmış, eserde dil ile ilgili kültür ögelerine yer verilmesi durumu incelenmiş ve bu ögelerin tasnifi yapılmış, ardından bu ögelerin eserde ne şekilde işlendiği tespit edilmiştir. İnceleme sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre, eserde ağız özelliklerinin ön plana çıkarıldığı belirlenmiş, atasözlerine çok az bir oranda yer verildiği görülmüş ancak özdeyişlere hiç yer verilmemiştir


Culture is a power holding together all feeling, notion, language, art and living factors which preserved their own validity from past to present. Whereas, community is a sociological factor which has an active role in sustaining and carrying culture into future. Community has a great role in culture’s emerging, continuity and being carried into future. Language is the most important factor created by community in the transmission of culture to next generation. Language is one of the basic units of culture. Cultural acquisition first begins in family and shows continuous improvement in school. Cultural acquisition process beginning with verbal communication in family proceeds systematically with course books and teachers in school. Using texts including elements of national culture in course books which are one of the important factors in the process of cultural transmission is crucial for students to internalize these values. Providing that the use of texts especially in Turkish course books for cultural transmission is considered, the requirement of being sensitive in students’ progress is shown up in the selection of texts used in course books for cultural transmission. Therefore, the condition of including cultural elements related to language is analyzed in Cahit Uçuk’s work named Türk İkizleri (Turkish Twins), cultural values related to language is recorded and classified, then how these cultural elements related to language used in the work is determined in this study. Document analysis, one of the qualitative methods, is used in this study. For this reason, it is highly important that language related cultural element are used, especially in text, especially in the social 506 Ahmet Zeki GÜVEN – Merve ÖZEL Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 sciences qualitative research techniques are more reliable than quantitative research techniques, as qualitative research techniques examine the purpose of human behavior (Ergün, 2005). For this reason, analysis of document, one of the qualitative research techniques, was used in the study and frequency of language related cultural element was determined and the cultural elements were classified, then treatment of the cultural element of the work was examined. According to data obtained from the survey results, dialects were determined to be highlighted in the work, whereas aphorisms and proverbs were determined not to be included. The purpose of this study is to determine half frequently the cultural element of Turkish language were used by Cahit Uçuk in his work “Turkish Twins” and which cultural element were used in transferring of these elements to the text. In this study, idioms, reduplications, figures of speech, onomatopoeia, dialects, aphorisms and proverbs, which contained the basic cultural values of the Turkish language, were examined in the work “Turkish Twins”. The cultural elements of the Turkish language in Turkish Twins, which forms the data source of this study, were determined by the researchers through card indexing technique. Then, the determined elements classified and interpreted. As a result of the study, dialects were determined to be included the most which 989 examples in the work. This data give us important clues about how the people are characterized by the author in the work. In the work, heroes are characterized with dialects of a certain region. The work proves that the Turkish language has rich narration. The cultural elements which are reflected through dialects, are highly important for children’s culture acquisition. This data coincides with findings of Çaganava (2006). However, this data contrast with the study of Güven (2013). Onomatopoeic words were used 92 times and reduplications were used 129 times in the work. It seems positive that onomatopoeic words and reduplications were frequently used, especially in order to enrich narration. Besides, frequent use of onomatopoeic words contrast with the finding of Güfta and Kan (2011) and Güven (2013). In their study, Güfta and Kan (2011) and Güven (2013) noted that onomatopoeic words were used in adequately in 7th and 8th grade text books of Turkish lesson. In the work, idioms were used 47 times and figures of speech were use 136 times. This data coincide with the findings obtained by Güven (2013). Comparison of the two studies show that idioms, reduplications and figures of speech were frequently used in both works and this data shows that narrating richness of Turkish language is used in books. As a result of the study, proverbs were determined to be used only in two places in the work, whereas aphorisms were not found in the work. This situation contrasts with Alagoz's (2012) findings, which were obtained from Uçuk's study on children's tale. Alagoz, in his study, noted that Ucuk is one of the authors, who includes especially proverbs more than the other authors in his works, however, proverbs were determined to be used only in two places in Ucuk's work "Turkish Cahit Uçuk’un Türk İkizleri Adlı Eserinin Türk Dili İle İlgili Kültürel Ögeler Açısından… 507 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 Twins". As a result, Alagoz's statement contrast with the findings of the study conducted on Ucuk's work " Turkish Twins". The abscence of proverbs and aphorisms, which are so important as the unremovable rings of a chain in the process of transferring culture, in turkish textbooks, which were examined by Gufta and Kan (2011) and Guven (2013) as well, emerges as a serious problem. As a result of the study, recommendations can be listed as follows: One can understand that Cahit Uçuk is a qualified and prolific writer in children’s literature by examining the quality and quantity of his novels. The book “Turkish Twins”, which enabled Uçuk to get the award named “Hans Christian Anderson Merit Diploma”, should be benefited in Turkish textbooks and lessons, especially in the process of developing the four basic skills areas of language. Undoubtedly, it is a difficult process for the children to make a habit of reading. Therefore, books should be suitable for children’s interest, imagine, emotion and development. In the process of habit formation, the work “Turkis Twins” (2002), which is rich cultural elements should be benefited and the students who are appropriate age should be encouraged to read the work by their teacher. The author’s other works should also be examined in terms of identification of cultural elements of Turkish language and results should be compared with the result of this study.


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