Deyimler; iki veya daha fazla sözcüğün mecazlı bir söyleyiş çerçevesinde kalıplaşarak günümüze kadar geldiği; toplumun duyuş, düşünüş ve yaşayışı hakkında bilgiler verdiği sanatsal söz unsurlarıdır. Bu makalede Türkiye Türkçesindeki deyimler Yapılandırmacı yaklaşımla birlikte Türkçe ders kitaplarına giren ve programda (2006) yer alan temalardan biri olan "duygular" kavramı bakımından incelenmiştir. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olan içerik analizi modelindedir. Veriler Türkçenin en kapsamlı eserlerinden olan "Deyimler Sözlüğü"nden (1998b) hareketle elde edilmiştir. Ömer Asım Aksoy tarafından derlenen 6309 deyimde duygular analiz edilmeye çalışılmış ve bulgular nicel verilerle de desteklenmiştir. İncelenen deyimlerde 47 duygu tespit edilmiştir. Aynı kavram alanına giren sözcüklerle birlikte bu sayı 100'ü aşmaktadır. Türkiye Türkçesindeki deyimlerde olumsuz çağrışıma sahip 32 duygu -üzüntü, sıkıntı, öfke, kin, korku, umursamama, usanç, beğenmeme, şaşkınlık, utanç, kibir, merhametsizlik, umutsuzluk, hoş görmeme, çaresizlik, aşk, huzursuzluk, telaş, heyecan, şüphe, sabırsızlık, eziklik duyma, pişmanlık, istekli olmama, güvensizlik, saygı duymama, sitem, kıskançlık, kaygı, tiksinme, yalnızlık, bencillik- tespit edilmiştir. Deyimlerde yer alan 15 duygu -sevinç, beğeni, sevgi, rahatlık duyma, saygı duyma, cesaret, istekli olma, özlem, merhamet duyma, hoş görme, özveri, güven duymak, umut ve kanaatkârlık ve kıvanç- ise olumlu bir anlam vermektedir. Bu tespitten hareketle Türkiye Türkçesi deyimlerinin duygu çeşitliliği bakımından zengin bir görüntüye sahip olduğunu, duyguların niteliği bakımından ise daha çok olumsuz duyguları yansıttığı görülmektedir. Sonuç olarak; deyimlerimizin duygu çeşitliliği, duyguların tanınması; duygu yoğunluğunu yaşayan kişinin kendini ifade etmesi ve bu yükü atıp rahatlaması bakımından önemli birer kaynak olduğunu söylemek mümkündür


Idioms; are fixed form of figurative speech of two or more words which came present; are elements of artistic saying that gives information about societies perception, mentality and way of living. In this study, idioms in Turkey's Turkish are inspected with constructivist approach, in concept of “emotions’’ which is one of the themes entered in textbooks (2006). Study is carried out with content analysis model, one of the qualitive research methods. Data, are obtained from Turkish’s one of the most inclusive work named “Deyimler Sözlüğü” (1998b). Emotions were tried to be analyzed by Ömer Asım Aksoy with 6309 idioms and findings were supported with quantitave data. In the research idioms in Turkey’s Turkish were handled by entity, diversity and usage rates. Besides emotions which are in the same notion and frequent words in emotions were pointed out. In idioms 47 different emotions exists, and with the words in the same notion the number exceeds 100 and it can be seen that Turkey’s Turkish idioms are rich in concept of emotion diversity. There are 32 emotions in Turkey’s Turkish idioms which have negative association –sadness, distress, anger, grudge, fear, disregard, boredom, displeasure, confusion, shame, arrogance, mercilessness, despair, intolerance, desperation, love, uneasiness, fuss, excitement, doubt, headiness, frustration, regret, unwillingness, insecurity, disrespect, reproach, envy, worry, repulsion, loneliness, selfishnesswere detected. Fifteen emotions in idioms -joy, liking, love, ease, respect, courage, willingness, missing, mercifulness, tolerance, selfsacrifice, confidence, hope and austerity and gladness- have positive meanings. Among the samples negative emotions like “sadness, boredom, anger, grudge are placed in the lead, in the first ten ratesonly three emotions –joy, liking and love- gives positive meaning. In terms of emotion diversity positive emotions represents 31.91% part, negative emotions represents 68.09% part. In the work (Aksoy, 1998b) a total of 1528 idioms are detected in terms of showing emotions. Among these emotions, ratio of positive phrases is 25.13%, and ratio of negative phrases is 74.87%. The positive emotions are sensations which the benefit of the people, providing oneself feels better and good relations with the public, give meaning to life and add value. Although the negative emotions which make any contribution to the human ego reduce the quality of life. In the case of the continuation of these emotions they can cause personality and psychological disorders and various diseases (distress and sadness triggering health problems such as mainly cancer, diabetes, ulcers and high blood pressure). From the data obtained it is possible to say, both in terms of diversity and usage, idioms are mostly used for expressing negative emotions. Top words used for expressing emotions are: “eye (6), mouth (6), life (6), desire (5) and heart (5). These statements shows that these emotions forms under impression of those what seen, heard and their Türkiye Türkçesi Deyimlerinde Duyguların Analizi 999 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 bias are on the content ‘’heart’’. Findings on the first five emotions that are in idioms are: Joy comes first among positive emotions. When describing the joy, words “eye, desire and sake” are frequently used. In idioms, generally, coaxing and pleasing someone were indicated. Besides esthetics, admiration and adoration which forms cluster, are mostly used with word ‘mouth’. This situation tells us that our ancestors wanted to point out the beauty of the phrase. One who speaks beautiful and efficient, ones who knows how to keep a secret and ones who have a beautiful face are the ones who win recognition. Besides, it is possible to say delicious tastes got their share from liking. Love comes third among positive emotions. In idioms words “love, sake, heart, warm blooded, sweet and life” were frequently used. They tell humans can easily form a love bond with friendly, warm faced people and develop liking with them. Enfold in one’s arms, embrace and calling with love words are other ways of showing love. Feeling comfortable, is the fourth emotion in idioms. Physical comfort was brought to the fore than peace of mind. It can be seen that words “life, taste and live” were used frequently. Tasting earthly desires, listening own body, live within one’s like, are the situations that reflects comfort. Respect is the fifth positive emotion in idioms. Mostly, respect was told with “head, stamp, money, cost and beard”. Giving someone red carpet treatment, grovel to someone are statements of respect. Usage of word ‘man’ is another feature of showing respect in idioms. It was used to show respect to one’s personality and being, word “valuable man” was used in idioms. In a total of 182 idioms sadness takes first place not in only negative emotions but in all emotions. To pass on the sadness, frequently used words are “pain, life, eyes, heart, liver, trouble, audacity, interior/inside, face/countenance and black”. Breaking hearts, not considering the feelings of others makes people sad; the one who feels this emotion expresses his/her feelings with crying, sniffing and sometimes wearing sackcloth and ashes. Generally, words “head, trouble, bother, distress, debt, pain, hard/difficult” were used to express distress, is the second negative meaning emotion. Anger comes third among negative emotions. To pass on anger most frequently used words are mouth, nerve and fire. Word “mouth” expresses that anger reflect on mostly talked, word “fire” expresses that how every word spoken was heart burning. It can be seen that ‘’grudge’’ which clusters with hate and vengeance mostly expressed with “blood”. Word “blood” shows that grudge drive people to death or can drive to death. In idioms it can be referred splitting blood, boo, chocking, beating, drawing out a knife, maledict, cook someone’s goose exc. are related to grudge. Last negative emotion used frequently in idioms is fear. Related to the topic, it can be seen that “heart, eye and fear” are used frequently. Breaking out in a cold sweat, change color, being very cold, getting goose bumps are the indicators of fear. Consequently; diversity of emotions in idioms, identification of emotions and it is possible to say idioms are an important tool by means of a loadstar getting grasp of emotions; to express one’s life right and effective, to feel relieved by putting into words that cannot be act.


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