Türk elma suyu konsantrelerinin fenolik madde ve procyanidin bileşiminin HPLC ile belirlenmesi

Bu araştırmada 6 farklı elma suyu konsantresi (ESK) örneğinde fenollk bileşikler ve prosiyanidinler HPLC aygıtı ile belirlenmiştir. HPLC'de 280 ve 320 nm de 14 farklı fenolik bileşik ayrılmış ve teşhis edilmiştir. ESK'de fenolik bileşiklerden ortalama olarak; quercetin 133.9 mg/L, gallik asit 136.9 mg/L, kafeik asit 1.703 mg/L, prosiyanidin trimer 1.151 mg/L, klorogenik asit 176.9 mg/L, floridzin 138.7 mg/L, ferulik asit 2.691 mg/L, p-coumarik asit 4.345 mg/L ve epicatechin 1.839 mg/L düzeyinde belirlenmiştir. Elma suyu konsantrelerinde total sinnamik asit miktarı 66.64-297.90 mg/L ve total procyanidin miktarı ise 15.155-30.442 mg/L düzeyinde saptanmıştır.

HPLC determination of phenolic compound and procyanidin content of Turkish apple juice concentrate

Six different apple juice concentrate phenolic compounds and procyanidins were determined by using HPLC. At 280 and 320 nm; 14 different phenolic compound were seperated and determined. In Turkish apple juice concentrate phenolic compounds differed as an average as follow, quercetin 133.9 mg/L, gallic acid 136.9 mg/L, cafeic acid 1.703 mg/L, catechol 50.70 mg/L, procyanidin B2 1.725 mg/L, procyanidin trimer 1.151 mg/L, chlorogenic acid 176.9, floridzin 138.7 mg/L, ferulic acid 2.691 mg/L, p-coumaric acid 4.345 mg/L, and epicatechin 1.839 mg/L. In apple juice concentrate total cinnamic acid differed between 66.64-297,90 mg/L and total procyanidin differed between 15.155-30.442 mg/L.


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