The Effect of Storage Temperature on the Ascorbic Acid Content and Color of Frozen Broad Beans and Cauliflowers and Consumption of electrical Energy during Storage (Turkish with English Abstract)

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The Effect of Storage Temperature on the Ascorbic Acid Content and Color of Frozen Broad Beans and Cauliflowers and Consumption of electrical Energy during Storage (Turkish with English Abstract)

Frozen broad beans and cauliflowers samples were stored at three different temperatures (-10o, -18o and –26 oC) for nine months. During storage ascorbic acid contents of the two vegetables were determined. The losses and changes in the chlorophyll content of broad beans and the formation of dark colour on the cauliflower florets were investigated. More losses and changes occurred in the vegetable samples stored at –10 oC. The rate of ascorbic acid losses was approximately three times faster in the samples stored at –10 oC than the samples stored at –18 oC. During nine months storage, 29% and 39% more electrical energy were consumed in the freezer at –26 oC than in the freezers at –18oC and –10 oC respectively.
