Kibyra Yerel Kırmızı Astarlı Seramiklerinden Örnekler

Examles of Local Red Slip Wares from Kibyra

This article investigates the Roman period local red-slip wares from Kibyra where, from 2006 onwards, excavations and surveys have been undertaken jointly by the Burdur Museum and Akdeniz University's Archaeology Department. The examples presented in this catalogue were recovered during the excavations of the stadium and from the surveys conducted on the theatre slope. In addition to the common fabric-slip features, amorphous pieces belonging to similar forms has resulted in the identification of locally produced red slip wares which can easily be recognised as being different from imported wares.Local pottery production at Kibyra was first noted by S. S. Başer and later S. Japp presented a few examples in the form of drawings. In addition, Japp claims that the production wasters, the amorphous and ill-fired pieces that are quite numerous on the theatre slope, as was stated by Başer, provide evidence indicating local pottery production. Examples gathered in the excavations and surveys to date indicate the presence of pottery production extending from the 3rd century B.C. to the 6th century A.D. The Late Roman - Early Byzantine unguentaria of the city clearly show pottery from Kibyra was almost certainly exported in quantity, in addition to supplying the local demand.The examples of local red slip wares studied here have a hard-fired fabric with lime inclusions and a slip of varying thickness; the fabric and slips display a variety of colours and shades depending on the quality of firing. This change observed in the slip has led to the classification of the catalogue examples into two main groups, "sigillata imitation" and "common wares". The sigillata imitation vessels include service vessels whereas the common wares include those for drinking, holding cooked food and cooking. Typological evaluation reveals the influences of western and eastern sigillata, as well as of the red slip wares from Sagalassos. On the other hand, some forms that appear to be peculiar to Kibyra, and which are not comparable with finds from elsewhere have also been found.Consequently, the examples of production and firing faults found amongst these examples clearly indicate there was local pottery production. The potshard flow that is to be observed on the south slope of the hill, where the theatre is located, also contains moulds for Megaran wares, wares with production and firing faults and numerous profile examples; all these suggest the presence of a pottery production complex containing several workshops was located here. Furthermore, its location, which is reminiscent of the potters' quarter at Sagalassos, reinforces this point. The present study evaluating the red slip wares that constitute an important part of the local pottery production at Kibyra will form a basis for the evaluation of pottery to be unearthed in future excavation campaigns, as well as projects concerning the workshops.


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