Effects of Yellow Phosphor to Hemopoesis on Experimental Animals and Its Correction Hemotrop

The article discusses the effect of yellow phosphorus on peripheral organs of hemopoesis, as a result of intoxication morphological changes occur in the cells of erythrocytes in pathological forms of erythrocytes, erythrocyte outgrowths with a rowing appear, stomatocytes and the conversion of echinocytes with single outgrowths as well as echinocytes with multiple outgrowths. Immunomodulin obtained F.YU.Garib [1] from the thymus of two-three-day-Astrakhan karakul lambs, and kavobit is a complex compound of cobalt with glutamic acid and vitamin U, obtained by A.B.Akbarov [2]. They are reliable and effective drugs, especially in the treatment of patients with various forms of anemia and chronic hepatitis, chemical exposure, with impaired functions of the immune system of humans and animals. When immunodeficient and autoimmune processes occur, they restore the blood content of T-lymphocytes, T-suppressors, T-helper cells, phagocytosis and reduce the intensity of cellular immune reactions directed against their own organs and tissues, as well as stimulate the immune response.

Effects of Yellow Phosphor to Hemopoesis on Experimental Animals and Its Correction Hemotrop

The article discusses the effect of yellow phosphorus on peripheral organs of hemopoesis, as a result of intoxication morphological changes occur in the cells of erythrocytes in pathological forms of erythrocytes, erythrocyte outgrowths with a rowing appear, stomatocytes and the conversion of echinocytes with single outgrowths as well as echinocytes with multiple outgrowths. Immunomodulin obtained F.YU.Garib [1] from the thymus of two-three-day-Astrakhan karakul lambs, and kavobit is a complex compound of cobalt with glutamic acid and vitamin U, obtained by A.B.Akbarov [2]. They are reliable and effective drugs, especially in the treatment of patients with various forms of anemia and chronic hepatitis, chemical exposure, with impaired functions of the immune system of humans and animals. When immunodeficient and autoimmune processes occur, they restore the blood content of T-lymphocytes, T-suppressors, T-helper cells, phagocytosis and reduce the intensity of cellular immune reactions directed against their own organs and tissues, as well as stimulate the immune response.


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