The Role of Cultural and Historical Continuity in the Traditional Worldview

The article deals with the cultural and historical foundations of the concept of continuity, the place in the traditional worldview, as well as the question of transformation in continuity. Continuity is an objectively necessary link between the new and the old in the process of historical and cultural experience. This connection ensures the integrity and is a prerequisite for the progressive development of culture. Continuity is the core of the idea "Mangilik El". Seven principles of "Mangilik El" reveal the fundamental values of our development, common interests and historical destiny of the people of Kazakhstan. On the value, significance of any phenomenon in the mechanism of its transfer, in the technology of achieving a future period or era, in the overall transformation. Therefore, the role of continuity in the history of mankind is very important and responsible. There is no continuity in itself. To do this, there must be a link between culture and civilizations. This connection is usually made through dialogue or communication. The concept of continuity is important in what area, so this issue requires continuous study.

The Role of Cultural and Historical Continuity in the Traditional Worldview

The article deals with the cultural and historical foundations of the concept of continuity, the place in the traditional worldview, as well as the question of transformation in continuity. Continuity is an objectively necessary link between the new and the old in the process of historical and cultural experience. This connection ensures the integrity and is a prerequisite for the progressive development of culture. Continuity is the core of the idea "Mangilik El". Seven principles of "Mangilik El" reveal the fundamental values of our development, common interests and historical destiny of the people of Kazakhstan. On the value, significance of any phenomenon in the mechanism of its transfer, in the technology of achieving a future period or era, in the overall transformation. Therefore, the role of continuity in the history of mankind is very important and responsible. There is no continuity in itself. To do this, there must be a link between culture and civilizations. This connection is usually made through dialogue or communication. The concept of continuity is important in what area, so this issue requires continuous study.


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