Person's willingness to choice in situations of uncertainty becomes a prerequisite for his social and professional success, the base of which should be laid on education. This requires a teacher, focused on the core values of their profession and able to design such a learning environment, which suggests the possibility of self-determination, both for students and for the teacher. However, values contribute as a guide to the activities and behavior of the teacher only if he has already formed value of consciousness, relationships and attitudes. Value of educators determine its emotional and psychological state, satisfaction and fullness of life, its meaning, and value system regulates the behavior and activities, defines motivation - need sphere, personal orientation, willingness to be guided by these values in their professional activities. Appeal to the category of "value relation" as a specific formation in the structure of a teacher's work involves the introduction of educational technologies for the development of valuable sphere of the student's personality, ability to follow an ethical and moral standards of society. The article deals with the formation of value attitude to professional activity of future teachers through training sessions.


Person's willingness to choice in situations of uncertainty becomes a prerequisite for his social and professional success, the base of which should be laid on education. This requires a teacher, focused on the core values of their profession and able to design such a learning environment, which suggests the possibility of self-determination, both for students and for the teacher. However, values contribute as a guide to the activities and behavior of the teacher only if he has already formed value of consciousness, relationships and attitudes. Value of educators determine its emotional and psychological state, satisfaction and fullness of life, its meaning, and value system regulates the behavior and activities, defines motivation - need sphere, personal orientation, willingness to be guided by these values in their professional activities. Appeal to the category of "value relation" as a specific formation in the structure of a teacher's work involves the introduction of educational technologies for the development of valuable sphere of the student's personality, ability to follow an ethical and moral standards of society. The article deals with the formation of value attitude to professional activity of future teachers through training sessions.


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