Archaeographic Experience of the State Archive of the Turkestan Region

Since 2000, the state has been paying particular attention to the development of archiving in Kazakhstan. Within the framework of the interdisciplinary program “Treasures of Science”, the programs “Cultural Heritage”, “People in the Stream of History” and “Mangilik El”, the Kazakhstan archive industry is steadily developing. Especially in the framework of these programs, the archaeographic activity of archiving was developed. Search for valuable documents related to the history of Kazakhstan consists of collecting copies of them, digitizing and summarizing the collected materials from archives of near and far abroad. Turkestan Regional State Archive is engaged in fruitful work in this area. The author gives an assessment of the archaeographic activities of the Turkestan Regional State Archive, one of the largest archival institutions in the southern region. It also analyzes collections of documents and materials, collections of republican scientific conferences, information catalogs and brochures which are published from 2000 to 2018 in the regional archive.

Archaeographic Experience of the State Archive of the Turkestan Region

Since 2000, the state has been paying particular attention to the development of archiving in Kazakhstan. Within the framework of the interdisciplinary program “Treasures of Science”, the programs “Cultural Heritage”, “People in the Stream of History” and “Mangilik El”, the Kazakhstan archive industry is steadily developing. Especially in the framework of these programs, the archaeographic activity of archiving was developed. Search for valuable documents related to the history of Kazakhstan consists of collecting copies of them, digitizing and summarizing the collected materials from archives of near and far abroad. Turkestan Regional State Archive is engaged in fruitful work in this area. The author gives an assessment of the archaeographic activities of the Turkestan Regional State Archive, one of the largest archival institutions in the southern region. It also analyzes collections of documents and materials, collections of republican scientific conferences, information catalogs and brochures which are published from 2000 to 2018 in the regional archive.


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