Masal dünyasındaki çoban

Mitolojik dönemden itibaren önemli bir kültür kahramanı olarak izi sürülebilen çoban, sözlü gelenekte yaşayan inanışlarda yer edindiği gibi sözlü edebiyatın pek çok türünde de yaygın kullanımı olan bir tip ha

The shepherd in the world of tale

Just as he has a place in the oral traditional beliefs that still survive, the shepherd ,who can be traced back to the mythological times as a cultural hero, has become a commonly-used figure in many types of oral literature, It can be said that, in traditional literature, different types of people can be assigned to perform different functions, In this respect, some features of the shepherd, who is an affectionate person, a brave hero and a man of genuine intelligence, have been overemphasized consciously in some narratives, due to structural and contextual reasons. The objective of this study, by examining the 23 narratives, is to analyze how the shepherd, who is portrayed as a cheered-up Saint in legends and as a brave and good warrior in epics, has become a figure in tales, The texts that form the basis of the analysis here are the tales taken from the commonly accepted particular researches on tales in which the figure of shepherd is present. It has been observed in the analysis that, in tales, he is the sound of the reason and common sense and also the positive Figure portrayed as the poor in the struggle between the poor and the wealthy. Moreover, as a functionally commonly-used figure, the shepherd attracts much attention in conveying the messages of tales, such as a positive outlook on life, charity not giving up against difficulties and being hopeful about life, which the narrative style of tale wishes to give in order to make people feel better psychologically. In narrations, even though his qualities of being a mentor and of problem solving are not displayed clearly at first glance and even though he is illustrated as a member of low social-status, he has brought the positive meanings that he carries in his mythological background to the world of tales.


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