Alexandre Dumaslar Fransız tarihi ve edebiyatına siyasi, edebi ve sosyal alanlarda büyük katkı sağlamış ünlü şahsiyetlerdir. Baba ve Oğul Dumasların eserleri dünya klasikleri arasında yer almış özellikle MonteCristo, Üç Silahşörler ve Demir Maske günümüzde herkesin roman kahramanlarıyla tanıdığı birer başyapıt olmuştur. Dumas Père ve Dumas Fils önce tiyatro, daha sonra da roman yazmaya başlamışlardır. Romanlardan kazandıkları parayla da Fransa'nın en varlıklı yazarları arasında sayılmışlardır. Dumas Père yardımcıları sayesinde, yaklaşık 300'e yakın eseriyle döneminin en çok yazan romancısıdır. Tiyatro eserleriyle Fransız edebiyatına büyük katkı sağlamasına rağmen okuyucular onu en çok romanlarıyla tanırlar. Romanlarıyla sinema dünyasını da beslemiş, 1907'den günümüze kadar bazı romanlarının 300'e yakın filmi yapılmıştır. "Roman Fabrikası" lakabıyla da tanınan Dumas Père sadece iyi bir romancı değil aynı zamanda tanınmış bir seyyah ve aşçıdır. Dumas Fils de romanın yanı sıra en çok hayat kadınlarını konu alan dramlarıyla tanınır. Çocukluk ve gençlik yıllarında melez olmanın baskısını sürekli hissetmiş olan Dumaslar kendi dönemlerinde sadece klasikler arasına giren romanlarıyla değil aynı zamanda sıradışı hayatlarıyla da kendilerinden bahsettirmişlerdir. Özellikle romanlarıyla Türk edebiyatını da etkileyen Dumaslar Tanzimat döneminde Türk romanının gelişmesine büyük katkı sağlamışlardır. Fransa'da özellikle Dumas Père'in eserlerine uygulanan gizemli sansür onun melez bir aileden gelmesinden dolayıdır. Fransız hükümeti bu özrünü 2002 de Dumas Père'in mezarını ünlü şahsiyetlerin defnedildiği Panthéon'a taşıyarak telafi etmeye çalışmıştır. Üç Silahşörler, Monte Cristo Kontu ve Kamelyalı Kadın günümüzde halen zevkle okunan romanlar arasındadır


The Dumas family contributed much to the French history and literature; particulary to military, political and literary issues. Dumas Père was known worldwide by his historical and adventure novels. He was one of the most prolific writers of 19th century with his three hundred novels and plays. Although his works were regarded as having poor literary and artistic values by literary critics, they were translated into many languages and inspired over one hundred films. He dealt with the social pressure because of his cross-blood origin being a sucessful writer of historical novels teaching French history to French people. Father Dumas’s works became world classics; especially Monte-Cristo, Three Musketeers, were popularized as masterpieces of 20 th centry; even today they are widely rend all across the World. Dumas Père nicknamed as“novel factory”in the history of French literature because he wrote a lot of novels and became rich by the selling. He reached his reputation not only as a novelist and a dramatist but also as a cook, as a traveller and as a musketeer. Dumas Père started his career first writing dramas and then novels. Among his readers Dumas Père was known with his novels rather than the plays. The Son Dumas, following his father, wrote many plays widely read and staged during his time. The Dumas, who perpetually felt pressure of mixed race in their childhood and youth, caused to be famed not only by their numerous works but also by the scandalous life. In the 19th centry The Dumas influenced the Tanzimat novel inspiring Turkish writes who pioneered Turkish novel. masterpieces of 20 th century; even today they are widely read all across the World. Dumas Père nicknamed as“novel factory”in the history of French literature because he wrote a lot of novels and became rich by the selling. Dumas Père reached his reputation not only as a novelist and a dramatist but also as a cook, as a traveller and as a musketeer. Père started his career first writing plays and then novels. Among his readers Père was known with his novels rather than the plays. The Son Dumas, following his father, wrote many plays, widely read staged during life. He succeded a great popularity with his The Lady of Camellia in which he told the mean life of Paris in his time. Dumas Fils starded his literary career with poety and novel writing before writing plays. In his palys, he told the stories from his celebrity life, from scandalous life of 19th century of high antic Paris society. Sometimes his plays were censured after they had stayed in public. Dumas Père inspired the cinema industry. Film makers made about 300 films of his novels from 1900s to 1980s. Three Musketeers and Monte-Cristo have been filmed several times, the first 65 times, the later 54 times. The Turkish cinema also used some of Dumas’s novels in many films. The Black Tulip was filmed in 1920, The Corsican Brothers was filmed in 1964, Three Musketeers was filmed in 1972. Dumas Père was so identified with MonteCristo that he declared that he was Dantès and Monte-Cristo in his novel. Monte-Cristo for the first time was published in installation in journal des Débat in1844. Later it was compiled as whole book and adapted to the theatre in 1848. Dumas gained great popularity by his historical novels and plays especially his most famous novel; Three Musketeers. This novel, where the writer proved the impact of his vast imagination and his art of narration, has doubled its popularity all the decades up to now. In the story of the novel there are four courageous musketeers who undergo many wonderous adventures along the plot of the novel during the period of Kardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII. The Dumas, having their eminence been felt publicly during their life time, contributed much to the French history and literature. The Dumas, who perpetually felt pressure of mixed race in their childhood and youth, caused to be famed not only by their numerous works but also by the scandalous and sansational life during their life time. In the 19th centry The Dumas influenced the Tanzimat novel inspiring Turkish writes who pioneered Turkish novel. The father and son Dumas’s works are among the world literature classics. The Dumas, being a cross-bred race at North African origin, had felt the social pressure in all periods of their lives. In later years their works were not included among the classics by press houses taking sides of general public vision. In 2002 French government tried to pay tribute compensating their neglect by transferring their graves to the famous Panthéon Cemetery. The Three Musketeers, Monte- Cristo, The Lady of The
