XXI. yüzyılda sosyal bilimler açısından önem kazanan politik, ekonomik, sosyokültürel normlar yabancı dil eğitim öğretimi açısından da oldukça önem teşkil etmektedir. Öte yandan sosyal bilimlerin analiz methodu şeklinde de tanımlanacak olan söylem analizi çeviriye ilişkin pek çok sorunu saptama, çözüme kavuşturma konusunda da başvuru yöntemidir. Günümüzde farklı alanlarda söylem analizine ilişkin yapılan çalışmalar bir toplumda üretilen söylemleri sınıflandırır yani söylemler bireysel değil toplumsal düzlemde ele alınır. Diğer bir deyişle söylem sadece iletinin içeriğiyle değil, söylemi dillendirenin kim olduğuyla, dinleyicinin iletiden ne anladığıyla, konuşucunun iletisinde neyi, ne amaçla söylediğiyle ilgilenmektedir. Söylem sadece metnin içeriğiyle değil, söylemi kimin, neden, kime söylediğini, belli bir zamanda belli bir topluluk arasında geliştirilen fikirleri kapsamaktadır. Hayatın tüm alanlarıyla ilişkili olduğu için, toplumsalın ürünü olarak ortaya çıkmakta, diğer bir deyişle toplumun kendini diğer toplumlara ifade ediş şekli de denilebilir. Yoruma dayalı bir eylem olan çeviride de önemli bir yer teşkil eden söylem analizi methodu iletişimsel, dilsel, sosyal bir methottur ve bu method çeviribilimde Seleskovitch ve Lederer'in sözlü çeviriden yazılı çeviriye uyarladıkları Yorumlayıcı Anlam Kuramı'nın da temel dayanağıdır. Bu bağlamda çalışma çerçevesinde Türk Edebiyatı'nın en önemli isimlerinden şair, yazar Nazım Hikmet'in 'Yaşamaya Dair' adlı şiirini esas alarak, anlam kuramının ilk evresi olan anlama evresinde çevirmenin kaynak dili nasıl anladığını ve erek dil Fransızca'ya nasıl aktardığını söylem analizi yöntemiyle erek kültür odaklı yaklaşım ışığında çözümlemeye çalışacağız


In the XXI. Century there are several political, economic and sociocultural parameters that influence the teaching and learning of a foreign language. Indeed, in the global learning of foreign language teaching, the analysis of discourse being the object of all the social sciences is considered as the essential object to analyze the faults, the causes and proposals of the semantic translations solutions. Today, research on discourse analysis is continuing in various fields, whose essential tasks are to classify the discourses that are produced in a society. In other words, it is the indispensable tool that answers to questions such as: "how is the subject constructed in its discourse? How does the subject construct its recipient? Understand how speakers understand each other ... Discourse includes not only the content of the text but also the ideas developed by whom, why, and to whom the discourse is spoken at a certain time. As it relates to all areas of life, it emerges as a product of society, in other words it can be said that society expresses itself to other societies. Since translation is also an interpretive act, the analysis of the discourse that is gaining importance is a model of the social act of linguistic communication and this method is also based on the interpretation of meaning which is also called the product of meaning, by Seleskovitch and Lederer. The aim of our research is that the translator is the one who can analyze the discourse during the stage of understanding the language of departure and how the meaning of the discourse implied in the Turkish language and culture is transferred to French language and culture by the translator on the poem entitled "Yaşamaya Dair" of the famous Turkish poem and author Nazım Hikmet and its French translation "Sur la vie "In the beginning of the twentieth century, the academic world that has changed in parallel with the changing world perception has focused on the concept of discourse by removing the interest from the facts. Since ancient Greece, the only realistic proposals regarding to the human and human nature have left their place to multiple realism. In other words, by denying our existence, the absolutizing principles of our thought, the period of rationalism, empiricism, determinism has been closed and the beginning of the discourse century, which has become the foundation of social sciences. The concept of discourse, which is used in both social and cultural researches, is a humanistic practice based on the subjectivity in social communities and showing academic development by establishing an interdisciplinary network. which broadens the fields of research in scientific sense, especially from the 1960s to the present day. The concept of discourse, which is defined as language practice by its simple definition, is related to the textual dimension in the context of translational science. The language and the act that the person plays the leading role is the process of the language practice of the language practice, ideology, knowledge, dialogue, expression, power, style of expression,ideology which turns into power action. (Sözen, 1999: 20). Whether in verbal communication or in written texts, where we evaluate it in the context of transcription,the text that the translator or the translator brings is influenced by the reader. The subjectivity in the discourse that determines the dialectic of social life focuses on the meaning of the product of the dialogue process. In this context, the meaning that emerges in discourse is not the result of context but the result of subjectivity and connotation is the structural feature of direct utterance. ( Sözen, 1999:28) Discourse includes not only the content of the text but also the ideas developed by whom, why, and to whom the discourse is spoken at a certain time. As it relates to all areas of life, it emerges as a product of society, in other words it can be said that society expresses itself to other societies. Foucault defines the concept of discourse developed instead of the concept of phenomena, which is valued academically until the 20th century, as an emerging language practice and that the discourse is subjective, not objective by arguing that each individual is different and that each discourse will vary according to the individual. This view of Faucoult, addressed in linguistic context creates the perception that the discourse represents the generation of information through language and the meaningful behaviors of the person. In the context of meaning theory, the translator also talks about the information he has and interprets it by making sense of his own discourse. This proposition, which forms the basis of meaning theory, is also the basis for any theory of translation or discourse. ( D. Seleskovitch et M. Lederer, 1984 : 74) Ricoeur, on the other hand, takes the linguistic frame out of the rhetoric of discourse and sees the concept of discourse as the basic paradigm in the interpretation of "Discourse is form that the way the language is spoken and written" (Ricoeur, 1990: 28, akt.Sözen, 1999: 79) and underscores the fact that discourse is in the forefront in the readaptation of the source culture to the target culture. In theory of meaning with the thought that commenting on discourse is not a translation of a language, discourse precluded to language. In other words, discourse, which has its own structure and permanence, is a language event that is used to reproduce the message, the idea, the ideology. At the end of the 1800s, sociology, the analysis of discourse integrated with language philosophy, is an approach developed everywhere where the meaning is based on communication, not simply a formal direction in the context of interpretive semantics. Analysis of discourse which deals with both linguistic and socio-cultural dimensions of meaning units in texts in terms of linguistics and transcriptionism, it is aimed to determine how different cultures are understood by different people. A sociolinguistic study have features textual analysis, social analysis, and a reflexive, critical analysis of all these analyzes, such as discourse analysis, language action, communication form, social practice(Sözen, 1999:82). In the process of starting with the use of Zellig Harris (1952) for the first time in terms of the linguistic analysis of discourse, this method based on reproducing the characteristics of the existing discourses, reproducing, transforming and transforming for the social sciences is the way of reproducing the statements based on the analysis. (Fairclough, 1998:225 den akt.Sözen, (1999:82). In the structuralist approach, the unimportant significance is the subject of examination of the values of the individuals, the practices of the societies, the values of linguistic in a communication environment as the basic examination of discourses in discourse analysis. The discourse analysis revolves around the semantic phenomena, showing how these relations are going to change and turn around certain discourses by referring to the power / knowledge, political and ideological associations. ( Sözen, 1999:85). Discourse, which is shaped by cultural and sociological variables, is mostly characterized by sociological and cultural contexts, although it seems to be the linguistic production of individuals. Every individual, every society has a different selfhood, and this difference is divergent differences in terms of linguistic, social, and cultural. It is necessary to adopt the facts that the discourse is a product of the experiences of the societies, not created by the individuals. The Foucault (1969) , who examines the relation between political, ideological basis, power and power in the discourse, believes that rhetoric is formed by knowledge and meaning and that underlying knowledge, thought, cultural, historical, ideological view must be approached. The interpreter who takes the center of the dialectic should construct it according to the norms of the cultural norms that try to say the sacred items on the target at the target by understanding the implications of the existing discourses by knowing the bases of cultural, historical, social. (Seleskovitch& Lederer, 1993:62). It should make it understandable to consider the target reader in order to provide semantic transfer without having to worry about saying the same words to the target language on the source language. In this study, we examine the messages lying deeply on the linguistic expressions that the poet's life uses as quoting the greatest reality, starting from the poem ‘Yaşamaya Dair’ of the poet Nazim Hikmet, who is famous poet of Turkish Literature, who describes his belief in life as a master language.. We will also try to analyze how the translator understands the source language and how it translates into the target language, French, in the context of the first stage of meaning theory, in the light of the target culture-oriented approach through the analysis of discourse


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