Edebiyat metinlerini edebî kuramlar çerçevesinde incelemek, metnin farklı yönleriyle yorumlanmasına imkân sağlar. Edebî metin incelemelerinde sıkça başvurulan yöntemlerden biri olan psikanalitik inceleme yöntemi de metnin anlaşılması ve yorumlanmasında incelemeciye ve dolayısıyla okuyucuya derin bilgiler sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı da Türk öykücülüğünün önemli isimlerinden olan Füruzan'ın öykülerini psikanalitik eleştirinin "Oidipus Karmaşası" kavramı bağlamında okumak, değerlendirmek ve öykülere yeni bir bakış açısı getirmektir. Yazın hayatına başladığı 70'li yıllardan günümüze önemli kadın yazarlarımız arasında anılan Füruzan, günlük yaşamdan seçtiği konuları ve samimi üslubu ile özgün bir tarzı yakalamıştır. Belirli bir ideolojinin savunucusu olmadan toplumsal yaşamın aksaklıklarını, yoksul insanların yaşamını ve İstanbul'un kenar mahallelerini gerçekçi ve güçlü gözlemlerle okuyucuya sunar. Öykülerinde yakalamış olduğu başarı, dönemin Öykücülüğümüzün çıkmaza girdiği bir dönemde yayımlanan ilk kitabı Parasız Yatılı ile 1972 yılında Sait Faik Hikaye Armağanı'nı kazanan yazar, birçok eleştirmen ve öykücülüğümüz için yeni bir umut olmuştur. İlk öykülerinden günümüze kadar benzer temalar kullanan Füruzan, öykü kahramanlarına da ortak özellikler yükler. Öykülerinin genelinde kadın sorunlarına geniş yer veren Füruzan, kadını en iyi işleyen yazarlar arasındadır. Bu kadınlar birçok öyküde benzer özelliklere sahiptir. Bu ortak özellikler çerçevesinde çalışmamızda Füruzan'ın bugüne dek yayımlanmış 6 öykü kitabında yer alan kadın kahramanlar, psikanalitik edebiyat eleştirisinin önemli bir kavramı olan Oidipus Karmaşası bağlamında incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme neticesinde kadınlar arası rekabetin arkasında Oidipus Karmaşası'nın varlığı saptanmıştır. Özellikle anne-kız ilişkileri bağlamında değerlendirilen 12 öyküde kadın kahramanlar arasındaki rekabetin nedeni kahramanların Oidipal kişilik özelliklerine sahip olmalarıdır. Oidipal rekabetin alt nedenlerine baktığımızda ise "fallusa sahip olma arzusu, yitik baba figürü, kuşak çatışması, bilinçdışı yasak arzu" karşımıza çıkar. Anne- kız ilişkilerine ve çatışmalarına Oidipal rekabet bağlamında bir bakış, satırların ardında kalmış bilinçdışının çözümlenmesini sağlamaktadır


Analyzing literary texts within the framework of literary theories enables to interpret the text from different perspectives. Psychoanalytic analysis, which is frequently used in literary analyses, provides the analyzer and also readers with profound information. This study aims to read and interpret Füruzan’s stories within the context of “Oedipus Complex” of psychoanalytic criticism and introduce a new perspective to these stories. As one of the significant Turkish woman writers, Füruzan went into the literary life in 1970s. She achieved a unique style with her themes about daily life and sincere tone. She reflects troubles of social life, people living poverty and suburbs of İstanbul through realistic observations without defending a particular ideology. Contemporary literary circles found her stories remarkable. Her first book Parasız Yatılı was published when Turkish story telling reached deadlock. She was awarded Sait Faik Story Award in 1972 and brought hope to critics and our story telling genre. Füruzan used similar themes since her first stories. Characters in her stories also bear similar characteristics. Giving a large part to the problems of women in her stories, Füruzan is one of the best writers writing about women. These women are similar in most of her stories. This study analyzes female characters in her six stories published so far. They are analyzed within the context of Oedipus Complex, an important concept in psychoanalytic literary criticism. According to results of this analysis Oedipus Complex lies behind the competition between women. The competition between female characters in twelve stories, particularly analyzed within the framework of mother-daughter relationships, stems from Oedipal characteristics of the characters. When we look at the underlying reasons of Oedipal competition, we see “the desire to have a phallus, lost father, conflict of generations and unconscious forbidden desire”. A look into the relationships and conflicts between mother and daughter from the perspective of Oedipal competition enables to analyze the unconsciousLiterature and psychology share similarity since they are both based on human. Psychoanalysis which was accepted as a branch of psychologies at first, became an independent ecole and it was related with literature. Psychoanalytic criticism helps us in interpreting writer of a literary text, characters of it, and points behind it. Psychoanalytic criticism which has been developing with different names since its founder Freud, has been used both in World and Turkish literature. In this paper, stories of Füruzan, one of the most successful writers of Turkish narration, were analysed in terms of psychoanalysis which is considered as an important theory for literary researches. Aim of the paper is to read stories of Füruzan who has been drawing attention with his spectacular style, in the context of “Oedipus Complex” theory of psychoanalytic criticism and bring a new perspective to them. By this way a theoretical analysis will be possible and stories will be evaluated in a different sense. Oedipus complex is the complex arising from unconscious forbidden desire he grows towards opposite sex parent in phallic stage. That is, interest of both sexes towards mother changes its direction. Male child’s interest is for mother, female child’s interest is for father. If this complex is unsolved in time, it may cause a serious conflict between parent and child. In this study, aforementioned conflict -in the stories- between mothers and daughters were tackled and reasons of oedipal rivalry between women were searched in their childhood. As a qualitative study, document analysis method was used. Thus, traces of Oedipus complex in Füruzan’s six published stories were tried to be found. These storybooks are: Benim Sinemalarım, Gecenin Öteki Yüzü, Gül Mevsimidir, Kuşatma, Sevda Dolu Bir Yaz, Parasız Yatılı. We witness hostile attitudes of mothers and daughters with sense of permanent conflict in Füruzan’s stories in which characters are especially women. This rivalry is named as “Oedipal Rivalry” in this paper. When Füruzan’s stories were analysed from this perspective, it was observed that in 12 stories Oedipal rivalry was dominant. These stories are: Benim Sinemalarım, Kuşatma, Bir Evin Dıştan Görünüşü, Piyano Çalabilmek, Tokat Bir Bağ İçinde, Sabah Eskimişliğin, Gecenin Öteki Yüzü, İskele Parklarında, Sevda Dolu Bir Yaz, Birinci Yaz Şarkıları, İkinci Yaz Şarkıları and Gül Mevsimidir. Reasons of this rivalry can be classified as: 1. Desire to have phallus 2. Lost father figure 3. Generation gap 4. Unconscious forbidden desire Daughters feel to have been stayed towards father to regain the power (phallus) they lost. In Füruzan’s stories some women characters tend to father or other males instead of him. In Benim Sinemalarım and Kuşatma stories, young daughters are in indiscreet affairs with men older than themselves as a result of forbidden desire towards father. Besides, young daughters are in conflict with their mothers and they complain that their mother don’t understand them and they nourish unconscious sense of hatred. Another reason of mother-daughter conflict is lost father.It is possible to find same war in the story, Bir Evin Dıştan Görünüşü. Woman character in the story doesn’t like her daughter. The reason of the conflict is most probably that she thinks she won Oedipal war against her own mother when she was young girl and she always criticizes her daughter angrily. We again face with similar feelings of mother and her antipathy towards her daughter in the story Piyano Çalabilmek. In the story, Tokat Bir Bağ İçinde woman character tells that she hates her mother and she is in a permanent fight against her. Moreover, she denies that she doesn’t look like her mother. In this respect, probably, the most striking stories of the writer are: Birinci Yaz Şarkıları and İkinci Yaz Şarkıları. Child character of the stories clearly expresses with her dreams in the text that she is in Oedipal rivalry. In her dreams she sees that she ascends to the sky with her father and her mother is below. By this way she thinks that she gains phallus. In the story, Gül Mevsimidir, we again observe conflict of main character with her mother and her hatred towards her. We see that character gets ill-tempered after her talks with her mother and she revenges on objects around her. Both women criticize each other because of the reasons mentioned before. Finally, in the stories, Sabah Eskimişliğin, İskele Parklarında and Gecenin Öteki Yüzü, we find unhealthy relations between mothers and daughters and their conflicts. Füruzan is one of the most important writers who ascribe psychological depth to story characters. It is possible to analyse moods of many man and woman characters and reasons of this situation. The best theory for analysis is psychoanalytic literary criticism. As a result of this study in which important concept of psychoanalysis, Oedipus Complex is examined from woman characters’ perspective and it is observed that they have Oedipal characteristics in 12 stories of Füruzan. From this point of view, these facts are determined in the stories: 1. Woman characters in the stories are in a continuous conflict either with their mother or their daughter. So they always criticize and dislike each other. Especially daughters consider their mother as a rival and enemy and develop hatred. 2. Particularly, young female characters are in forbidden affairs with old men who can be substituted for their father. 3. Forbidden desires towards father and aim of gaining phallus were pressured unconscious, but it comes on stage through dreams, discourses and attitudes. 4. Some female characters experience counter Oedipus complex and tend to lesbian affairs. 5. Some female characters abused their feminity in order to take revenge. In conclusion, reading a literary text through a theoretic method, reveals unidentified sides of it and gives it a different dimension. Based on this concept, we tried to analyse stories of Füruzan who is one of the most important names of Turkish narration through Oedipus Complex concept in psychoanalytic criticism. The paper in which we tried to interpret spiritual conflicts of female characters in Füruzan’s stories and their situations, we propose that reasons should be researched in characters’ childhood.


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