Makalede, Doğu halklarıedebiyatı ve Özbek klâsik ve mödern edebiyatının önemli gâyelerinden biri olan kâmil insan terbiyesi meselesinin bağımsızlık dönemi Özbek romanlarında ele alınışına bakış atılmıştır. Konuyla ilgili olarak da Aman Muhtar, Uluğbey Hamdam, İsacan Sultan, Hurşid Dostmuhammed gibi yetenekli Özbek mödern yazarlarının romanları örnek alınmıştır. Ayrıca, edebî etkilenme, tecrübe mektebi meselesi sanatçıların gayevî-estetik bakışlarındaki yakınlık çerçevesinde işlenmiş, yeni dönem Özbek romancılığındakikâmil insan karakteri, onun özellikleri ortayaatılmıştır. Uluğbek Hamdam'ın Denge, Tilavaldı Corayev'in Pazar Dünya, Ruhlar Gece Gezerler, Abbas Seid'in Sokakta Kalan Adam, Nurilla Abbashan'ın Şorkışlak gibi sanatçıların onlarca romanında zor durumlarda insanların vicdan, iman, inanç karşısındaki tutumları, onların en değerli maddî-manevî şeylerinden vazgeçerek de olsa kâmillik sıfatını korumaya çalışmaları ya da tam tersi onların bu sıfatları çiğnemek üzere oldukları hassas ve can sıkıcı durumları ele alınır. Eserlerde üslup, sembol ve, işaretlerin bolca kullanılması yazarın tasavvuf edebiyatı geleneklerini takip ettiğini gösterir Romanlarda kâmil insanın manevî dünyasını oluşturan alçakgönüllülük, zekâ, bilimlilik, başkaların acı ve dertlerini paylaşmak, ihtiyaç sahiplerine yardımda bulunmak, doğru tavsiye ve öğütler vermek, hoşgörülü olmak gibi özellikleredikkat çekildiği vurgulanmıştır. Bağımsızlık dönemi Özbek romancılığında geçmiş edebiyata özgü geleneklere yaratıcı bir şekilde devam edildiği, edebiyat tarihinde önemli yer tutan kâmil insan gâyesinin günümüz Özbek romanlarının da önemli ahlâkî-terbiyevî yönünü teşkil ettiği kaydedilmiştir


The paper deals with the interpretation the problems of perfect mankind’s upbringing, which is considered main ideological base of East people, also Uzbek classic literature in Uzbek novels. A concept of perfect person accumulating spiritual world of people availing features of harmony and accomplishment from mental, educational and physical point of view had been highlighted in the imaginative literature within in numerous topics. Being of the most important issues of Orient and Western literature, perfect person education was differently illustrated in various periods, countries, in various publications under different approaches. Imaginative interpretation of issues like bravery, selfdedication, consent, education, justice, faith do represent everlasting and vivid value and peculiarity of the literary heritage. Probably in this context, perfect person and his demeanor, spiritual features remain as esthetic idol for the nowadays authors alike classic literature of the past. Our authors attempted to utilize ideological concept, everlasting and overwhelming philosophy represented in Classic Literal heritage in verification and enhancement of spiritual, mental, intellectual pecualiarity of a person of new age. Besides serving as a source for ideology of perfect person, didactic rooter and spiritual nourishment, which was considered to be a prior aspect in Classic literal heritages turn to be a stable background for nowadays literature. A tendency in creation of novels in traditions of Uzbek classic literature, especially, in nowadays Uzbek novels, is also evident within an issue of perfect person upbringing as well. All problems belonging to the upbringing of perfect man of the Uzbek modern novels are reflected in this paper Today's Uzbek writer tries to create an ideological, philosophical, esthetic variety and colourful essence of imagination acceptable for creation of a unique theme, noting unique masterpieces of literature of the past, tries to create deep look into his imaginative creations, mysteries and secrets, colourful plot transfusions, thus, combining creativity and historical creations, and introduces new interpretation of the modern prose. At the same time, aspiration of modern writers to refer to the historical style of art, detailed investigation of literary forms, meanwhile, to develop new sequence of events for expression of their poetic contents is one of the main priorities of today's principles. In other words, today's writer seeks to open a veil of secrecy of eastern and western literatures, attracted due attention and hearts of reader's, his inner world, to create original examples of poetic beauty, elegance of imaginative and literary works. As you know, relations to the literary heritage of the past had cardinally changed during independence. New social reality increased the responsibility in front of the public, including prominent scholars and intelligence. Restoration of historical and rich cultural heritage, its correct and fair interpretation is one of the main objectives, standing against nowadays teachers. Besides, our writers consider ideological contents, influence force and deep philosophy as important towards new period of spiritual, moral, intellectual potential and discipline in classical literary masterpieces. Factually, universal and everlasting ideas in classical literature, beautiful and heartiest moral contents, imaginative uniqueness, naturally, serves as a strong basis of imaginative literary works A concept of perfect person accumulating spiritual world of people availing features of harmony and accomplishment from mental, educational and physical point of view had been highlighted in the imaginative literature within in numerous topics. Being of the most important issues of Orient and Western literature, perfect person education was differently illustrated in various periods, countries, in various publications under different approaches. Imaginative interpretation of issues like bravery, self-dedication, consent, education, justice, faith do represent everlasting and vivid value and peculiarity of the literary heritage. Probably in this context, perfect person and his demeanor, spiritual features remain as esthetic idol for the nowadays authors alike classic literature of the past. A spiritual and moral interpretation, peculiar to oriental literary works is noticeable in novels of a new era. A number of Uzbek novels are enriched with various spiritual and philosophic stories, statements and reality interpretations. And a sense of statements forces the reader to think. Literal influence and school of experience can be revealed within authors' ideological-esthetic views as well. Traditions peculiar to the past remained in the oeuvre of the Uzbek novelty of Independence. An idea of a perfect person forestalling in the history of literature plays a main demeanor-educational peculiarity within nowadays Uzbek novelty as well. An image of perfect person, peculiar characteristic features and virtues had been literary interpreted in Uzbek novelty of new epoch. Features representing spiritual world of perfect person like modesty, ecuteness, accomplishment, sympathy and compassion towards other's problems, experience and feelings, kind-heartedness for the distressed, admonishing of indigents had been evaluated and appreciated. An image of perfect person had become a literal means and accumulation for the author as carrying a prior ideological-esthetic concept, representing spiritual views, as well as revealing a basics and concept of the works in majority of Uzbek novels. Period, place and various social circumstances and spiritual renewal require new features from a person peculiar to perfect personality. According to this people are loaded with a burden of awareness, efficiency, adroitness, rigid knowledge, proficiency due to rapid scientific and technical development. A right unit to measure an imaginative world, behaviour of our coevals in new Uzbek novels is assigned according to the degree of the achievement of perfection. Along with attracting attention due to life influencing puissance, heroes as Akbar (Ulugebk Hamdam's “Isyon va itoat” novel), Samandar, Sabo (Ulugbek Hamdam's “Sabo and Samandar” novel), Fozilbek (Hurshid Dustmuhammad's “Bozor” novel), Ozod (Isajon Sulton's “Ozod” novel) are observed as outcome of the passion to face reality, evenmore, encounter a social being of themselves without any shortages and perfectly by nowadays Uzbek writers. Passion for preservation of spiritual countenance, humane features, non-straying from right way of people of new epoch, who happen to be an active social power as well, had become one of the main challenges of nowadays Uzbek novels, which reflect present portrait of actual political, cultural, scientific and technical development. And our literature fully implements a duty of upbringing of such a person with these features - perfect people. Our authors attempted to utilize ideological concept, everlasting and overwhelming philosophy represented in Classic Literal heritage in verification and enhancement of spiritual, mental, intellectual pecualiarity of a person of new age. Besides serving as a source for ideology of perfect person, didactic rooter and spiritual nourishment, which was considered to be a prior aspect in Classic literal heritages turn to be a stable background for nowadays literature. A tendency in creation of novels in traditions of Uzbek classic literature, especially, in nowadays Uzbek novels, is also evident within an issue of perfect person upbringing as well
