Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Wisconsin Eyaleti sınırları içindeki Oshkosh'ın büyüme öyküsü, kereste endüstrisinin yükselişinin tarihidir. XIX. yüzyılın sonlarında 28.000'e yakın nüfusuyla bir kereste sanayii merkezi olan şehir, ekonomik olarak Paine ve diğer altı -Radford, Morgan, McMillen, Williamson-Libbey, Foster-Hafner ve Gouldşirket tarafından yönetilmekteydi. Başlangıçta topraklarını temizleyip evlerini inşa etmek isteyen yerel çiftçilere hizmet ve servis sağlamak amacıyla kurulan bu şirketler, 1890'lar boyunca ucuz mal ithalatı yaptılar ve kadınlarla çocukları işe alıp erkeklere ödedikleri ücretin, ki bu günde 10 saatlik çalışmaya karşılık 90 sentti, yarısını ödediler. Uluslararası basında "dünyanın köle maaşı başkenti" şeklinde tanımlanan Oshkosh'ta günlük ücretin en az 1,5 dolar olmasıyla genelde %25 artış sağlanması, kadınların istihdamına son verilmesi, sendikanın işverenlerce tanınması, işçi ücretlerinin haftalık olarak düzenli ödenmesi gibi taleplerle 16 Mayıs 1898 Pazartesi günü grev başlamış ve 14 hafta sürmüştür.

Strike of 1898 in The Sawdust City

The history of the growth of the city of Oshkosh, located in Wisconsin, United States, is the history of the rise of industry and, more directly, the rise of the lumber industry. It was center for wood and lumber industry at the end of nineteenth century with a population of about 28,000. For a long time, it had been known as "Sawdust City", and seven lumber companies -Paine, Radford, Morgan, McMillen, WilliamsonLibbey, Foster-Hafner, and Gould- had controlled the administrative power over the city. Originally, the lumber mills were erected to supply services and materials to local farmers trying to clear their land and build homes. During the 1890s, the companies imported cheap materials and employed women and children with a half wage rate men were paid. Men's wage rate was about 90 cents for a 10-hour day. This situation had led to accuse Oshkosh of being the "slave wage capital of world". Oshkosh strike which had started on May 16, 1898 and lasted for fourteen weeks, demanded that minimum daily wage rate should be 1.5 USD, women employment had to be terminated, unions should be recognized, and workers' wages should be paid on a weekly basis regularly.


  • 1. Gazeteler
  • Chicago Record; Dayton Daily News; Oshkosh Daily Northwestern (Kısaltma: ODN); Oshkosh Enterprise (Kısaltma: OE); Oshkosh Sunday Times; Oshkosh Weekly Northwestern (Kısaltma: OWN); Times; Weekly Times.
  • 2. Diğer Yayınlar
  • Alexander, Sally, "Labouring Women: A Reply to Eric Hobsbawm", History Workshop 8, (Autumn 1979), s. 174-182.
  • Baxandall, Lee, "Fur, Logs, and Human Lives: The Great Oshkosh Woodworker Strike of 1898," Green Mountain Quarterly, no. 3, Oshkosh 1976, s. 1-111.
  • Bunn, John V., Bunn's Oshkosh Directory 1898-1899, (Mart 1898), Oshkosh.
  • Crane, Virginia Glenn, The Oshkosh Woodworkers' Strike of 1898: A Wisconsin Community in Crisis, Madison 1998.
  • __________________, "The Very Pictures of Anarchy: Women in the Oshkosh Woodworkers' Strike of 1898", Clarence Darrow Digital Collection, s. 1-16.
  • Değerli, Ayşe, "Oshkosh Kentinin Kuruluşu ve Gelişimi (1853-1900)", Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, X/1, (Kış 2015), s. 273-296.
  • Deibler, Frederick Shipp, The Amalgamated Wood Workers' International Union of America: A Historical Study of Trade Unionism in its Relation to the Development of an Industry, Madison 1912.
  • Foner, Philip, Women and the American Labor Movement: From the First Trade Unions to the Present, New York 1982.
  • Hannon, Michael, "Oshkosh Woodworkers' Strike (1898)", University of Minnesota Law Library Digital Collection, (Nisan 2010), s. 1-23.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric, "Man and Woman in Socialist Iconography," History Workshop 8, (1978), s. 121-138.
  • Lerner, Gerda, "Rethinking the Paradigm", Why History Matters: Life and Thought, New York 1997, s. 146-184.
  • May, Martha, "The Historical Problem of the Family Wage", Feminist Studies, S. 8 (Yaz 1982), s. 399-424.
  • Moloney, Deirdre, "Thomas I. Kidd and the Oshkosh Strike, 1898" (Yayımlanmamış Rapor, Wisconsin Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi, kayıt no: Labor History 902), Madison 1988.
  • Prominent Actors Kataloğu, Oakland Halk Kütüphanesi Tarih Koleksiyonu, no. 6.
  • St. Peter's Catholic Church Death Index (May 1882-February 1925), Archives, Office of the Green Bay Archdiocese, Green Bay.
  • U.S. Census, 1880/ABD 1880 Nüfus Sayımı Kayıtları.
  • Winnebago County Naturalization Papers, 22 October 1884 (no.7910).
  • Wisconsin Census, 1895/1895 Wisconsin Nüfus Sayımı Kayıtları.