Timar-thema teriminin ortaya çıkması, Bizans uygulaması ve Osmanlı ile mukayesesi

Arastırmamız, Osmanlı timar sisteminin, hem terim olarak, hem de kurum olarak Bizans kurumu olan tema (theme, thema) ile iliskili olduğu ve Bizans tema teskilatının da Asya menseli tümen ile ortak bir menseye dayandığı tezine dayanmaktadır. Evvela terimin etimolojik boyutu hakkındaki veriler ele alınmıs, müteakiben tema ve “timar”ın kurumsal gelisimi Bizans ve Osmanlı açısından tahlil edilmistir.1

The application and comparison of the organization “timar-thema” during the Byzantine and Ottoman periods

Our research is based on the thesis that the Ottoman fief system is associated with the Byzantine theme as a term, as well as an institution, and also the Byzantine institution of teheme has a common origin with the Asian origined “tumen”. Firstly, the nature of the data on the etymology of the term was considered, subsequently the institutional development of the theme and fief was analyzed in terms of the Byzantine and Ottoman.


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