The Effect of the Style of The Principal’s Leadership Towards the Teachers’ Performance Through Work Motivation at Vocational High Schools

The real implementation of the teachers’ performance of vocational high school has not been optimal yet. The reason is the teachers’ lack of pedagogic and professional competence as educators. Besides, the teachers have lack of work motivation which is reflected on their performance. On the other hand, the style of the principal’s leadership contributes to the teachers’ work pattern at schools. This study aims to determine the effect of principals' leadership style on teacher performance through work motivation in vocational business and management in Surakarta. This study uses a quantitative method with Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis. The study sample was 158 teachers of business and management vocational schools throughout Surakarta, Indonesia. The results showed that 1) the leadership style of school principals had a positive and significant influence on teacher performance of 0.557 and a statistical T value of 13.128≥1.96; 2) the leadership style of the principal has a positive and significant influence on work motivation of 0.709 and a statistical T value of 20.097≥1.96; 3) work motivation has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance at 0.785 and a statistical T value of 26.518≥1.96; 4) Principal leadership style has a positive and indirect effect on teacher performance through work motivation of 0.453 and a statistical T value of 8.125≥1.96. Therefore, teachers need to improve their performancewith high work motivation and encouragement or support from the principal.


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