Code Mixing Used in the Utterances of Arab Descent Students in Surakarta, Indonesia (Sociolinguistics Study)

Arab descent students in Surakarta Indonesia are bilingual society. Bilingual society or multilingual often insert several other language vocabulary in their daily communication, thus code-mixing occurred. This study aims to describe the form of code mixing in speech language used by students of Arab descent in the realm of education and its contributing factors. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The data of the research was Arab descent students’ utterances in Diponegoro Islamic High School, Surakarta. The utterances could be in the form of conversation among students and between teachers and students. The techniques of data collection were competent involvement techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The technique of data analysis in this study used a matching technique. The technique of data validity was member checking to the participants in order to valid the data. Based on the results of data analysis which consist of seven utterances showed that code mixing occurred in word and phrase from Javanese, Arabic, English into Indonesian Language. This is influenced by several factors including language majority, speech partners, mother tongue, and education


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