THE KHAN OF KHOQAND WHOM WE DON'T KNOW: on the rule of Shahrukh Khan b. Muhammad-‘Ali–Khan

THE KHAN OF KHOQAND WHOM WE DON'T KNOW: on the rule of Shahrukh Khan b. Muhammad-‘Ali–Khan

A Political history of the Khoqand khanate is well studied onthe basis of the works of local historians. For more than 150years the researchers of the khanates, based on these sources,are investigated the problems of legitimization of the Mingdynasty, changes of power, intrigues of candidates to throne and their policies. However, the documentary sources,especially the royal deeds of the khanate have not been studiedenough. Therefore, new facts in this area can change someaspects of the Khoqand khanates history. In this article tooanalyzed one of such fact – royal deeds related to Shahrukh– Khan’s royal chancery, who in local historiography wasconsidered to be a fake prince and impostor. These documents,which prepared in the traditional form, sealed with Khan'salmond seal proved Shahrukh–Khan’s government in the someparts of the country. And also, the establishment of his owngovernment from supporters, the royal court and official seal,tax system, the most important recognition of his authority withthe population of this territory.


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