Küçük Kovan Böceği Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) ve Arıcılık Açısından Önemi

Küçük kovan böceği, Aethina tumida Murray 1867 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), bal arısı kolonilerinde görülen ve dünyadaki yayılışı hızla artan bir bal arısı parazitidir. Bu böceğin ergin ve larvası kuluçka, bal ve polen gibi arıcılık açısından vazgeçilmez kaynaklar ile beslenerek kuluçkanın ölümüne, balın fermentasyonuna ve petek yapısının bozulmasına neden olur. Aktif olarak uçabilen küçük kovan böcekleri güçlü arı kolonilerinin dahi istila edilmesine neden olabilirler. Bu parazitlerin kovandaki varlığının erken teşhisi daha büyük kayıpların önlenmesi açısından oldukça önemlidir

Small Hive Beetle Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) and It's Importance for Beekeeping

Small hive beetle, Aethina tumida Murray 1867 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), is a honey bee parasite that is seen in honey bee colonies and it rapidly spreads throughout the world. The adult and larva form of this parasite cause the death of broods, fermentation of honey and deterioration of the honeycomb's structure as a result of its feeding on brood, honey and pollen which are vital resources for beekeeping. Small hive beetle, that can fly actively, can cause the invasion of even powerful bee colonies. Early diagnosis of this parasite's existence in hives is vital for preventing larger losses


  • Ellis, J.D. 2005. Reviewing the confinement of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida) by western honey bees (Apis mellifera). Bee World 86(3): 56-62.
  • Ellis, J.D., Delaplane K.S., Hepburn H.R. & Elzen P.J. 2002. Controlling small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) in honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies using a modified hive entrance. Am. Bee J. 142(4): 288- 290.
  • Ellis, J.D., Delaplane K.S. & Hood W.M. 2001. Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) weight, gross biometry, and sex proportion at three locations in the southeastern United States. Am. Bee J. 142(7): 520- 522.
  • Ellis, J.D. & Hepburn H.R. 2006. An ecological digest of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida), a symbiont in honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera). Insectes Sociaux 53: 8-19.
  • Ellis, J.D., Hepburn H.R., Delaplane K., Neumann P. & Elzen P.J. 2003. The effects of adult small hive beetles, Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), on nests and flight activity of Cape and European honey bees (Apis mellifera). Apidologie 34: 399-408.
  • Ellis, J.D., Hepburn H.R., Luckmann B. & Elzen P.J. 2004. The effects of soil type, moisture, and density on pupation success of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). Environ. Entomol. 33: 794-798. Chapter 2.2.5. -- Small hive beetle infestation (Aethina tumida) 6 OIE Terrestrial Manual 2013
  • Ellis, J.D., Neumann P., Hepburn H.R. & Elzen P.J. 2002b. Longevity and reproductive success of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) fed different natural diets. J. Econ. Entomol. 95(5): 902- 907.
  • Elzen, P.J., Baxter J.R., Westervelt D., Randall C., Delaplane K.S., Cutts L. & Wilson W.T. 1999. Field control and biology studies of a new pest species, Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) attacking European honey bees in the Western hemisphere. Apidologie 30: 361-366.
  • Hepburn, H.R. & Radloff S.E. 1998. Honeybees of Africa. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  • Hood, M.W. 2004. The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida: a review. Bee World 85: 51-59.
  • Lundie, A.E. 1940. The small hive beetle Aethina tumida, Science Bulletin 220, Dep. Agr. Forestry, Government Printer, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Neumann, P. & Ellis J.D. 2008. The small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray, Coleoptera: Nitidulidae): distribution, biology and control of an invasive species. J. Apic. Res. Bee World 47(3): 181-183.
  • Neumann, P. & Elzen P.J. 2004. The biology of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida, Coleoptera: Nitidulidae): Gaps in our knowledge of an invasive species. Apidologie 35: 229-247.
  • Pettis, J. & Shimanuki H. 2000. Observations on the small hive beetle, Aethina tumida, Murray, in the United States. Am. Bee J. 140: 152-155.
Hayvansal Üretim-Cover
  • ISSN: 1301-9597
  • Başlangıç: 1974