Bu çal>flmada patates cipsi üretiminde kullan>lan k>zartma ve f>r>nlama yöntemlerinin patates cipsinin kalite özellikleri olan rengi ve tekstürü üzerine etkisi incelenmifltir. F>r>nlama ve k>zartma ifllemleri belirli kal>nl>ktaki (1.4 ± 0.1 mm) patates dilimlerine 170, 180 ve 190?C'de uygulanm>flt>r. K>zartma ve f>r>nlama ifllemi süresince patates cipslerinin iç k>sm> ve yüzey s>cakl>klar>ndaki de¤iflimi ölçülmüfl ve sonras>nda tekstür ve renk ölçümleri gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Deformasyon de¤erleri, f>r>nlanan örneklerin (0,91 mm, 170°C; 0,65 mm, 180°C; 1,14 mm, 190°C) k>zart>lm>fl örneklerden (1,77 mm, 170°C; 1,09 mm, 180°C; 2,24 mm, 190°C) düflük, sertlik de¤erleri f>r>nlanan örneklerin (3,90 N/mm, 170?C; 3,17 N/mm, 180°C; 2,33 N/mm, 190°C) k>zart>lm>fl örneklerden (1,88 N/mm, 170?C; 2,85 N/mm, 180?C; 0,99 N/mm, 190°C) yüksek ve Fmax de¤erlerinin her iki örnek için benzer oldu¤u görülmüfltür. Renk de¤erleri incelendi¤inde f>r>nlanm>fl örnekler turuncumsu sar>, k>zarm>fl örnekler parlak sar> olarak tan>mlanm>fl ve toplam renk de¤iflimin k>zarm>fl ürünlerde 16,7 - 22,3, f>r>nlanm>fl örneklerde ise 21,7 - 37,4 aral>¤>nda oldu¤u görülmüfltür. Sonuçlar, daha az ya¤ kullan>lmas> nedeni ile sa¤l>kl> bir piflirme yöntemi olarak önerilen f>r>nlama iflleminin patates cipsi üretiminde arzu edilmeyen tekstür ve renk oluflumuna neden oldu¤unu göstermifltir.


Effect of cooking method (baking and frying) on quality attributes of potato chips was investigated inthis study. Baking and frying experiments were conducted at 170, 180, 190˚C using potato slices with athickness of 1.4 mm. Texture and color measurements were carried out and surface and internaltemperatures of potato slices were monitored during the experiments. Fmaxvalues of potato chips werefound around 2.5 N for both treatments, deformation values of baked samples (0.91 mm at 170°C, 0.65mm at 180°C 1.14 mm for 190°C) were lower than fried ones (1.77 mm at 170˚C, 1.09 mm at 180°C, 2.24mm for 190°C). Hardness values of baked samples (3.90 N/mm at 170˚C, 3.17 N/mm at 180°C, 2.33N/mm at190°C) were higher than fried ones (1.88 N/mm at 170˚C, 2.85 N/mm at 180°C, 0.99 N/mm for190°C). Colors of fried and baked potato chips were orange yellow and brilliant yellow, total colorchanges were determined in the range of 16.7 - 22.3 and 21.7 – 37.4, respectively. The results showedthat baking process failed to provide acceptable quality attributes although it is considered as healthyalternative to frying due to its potential to provide texture and color with existence of less oil


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