Bu çaly?mada, müzik ö?retmenli?i programynda yer alan "Bilgisayar I/II" dersinin e?itimde de?i?en teknolojik ko?ullary kar?ylayyp kar?ylamady?yna yönelik dersin i?levselli?ini içeren kapsamly bir analiz yapylmy?tyr. Çaly?mada, mevcut dersin isminin adsal ve tanymsal çözümlemesi ve yeniden isimlendirilmesi, derslerin kimler tarafyndan nasyl uygulandy?y, ders içeri?inin güncellenmesi gibi alt konular incelenmi?tir. Bu amaçla söz konusu dersi yürüten ders ö?retim elemanlarynyn görü?leri "tam yapylandyrylmy? görü?me" ile alynmy?, veriler "içerik analizi" yöntemi kullanylarak de?erlendirilmeye çaly?ylmy?tyr. Çaly?mada müzik ö?retmeni adaylarynyn görü?lerine anket yoluyla ula?ylmy? ve de?erlendirilmi?tir. Çaly?ma sonucunda, "bilgisayar" dersi uygulamasynyn, amacyna ula?mady?y yönünde benzer sonuçlara ula?ylmy?tyr. Ö?renciler bilgisayar dersinin mesleki ya?amlaryna katkysy olamady?yny belirtmi? ve bu konuda öneri ve taleplerde bulunmu?tur.

Functionalty of "Computer" Lesson Which is Contained By Music Teacher Training Program

In This study analyzed that whether the lesson "Computer I-II" which is taking part in music education program is supplying the chainging of the music education technologie. This study searched for beloving subjects that; analyze the name and the definition of the lesson; who are the lecturers of the lesson and what is the way of the teaching; to renew of the theme of the lesson. By this aim the opinions of lesson lecturers was received with 'fully structured interview', the data was evaluated by using 'content analysis' method.In this study the questionnaire was implemented to preservice music teachers and the data was evaluated. Result of the study is the lesson not able to achive to its aim with these thechnics etc. The students indicated that there is no contribution of computer lesson to their careers and they made suggestion and request about this subject.