Doğumda epidural analjezide bupivakain, bupivakain fentanil ve bupivakain klonidin'in karşılaştırılması

Bu çalışmada aktif doğum eylemi başlamış miadında sağlıklı 45 primigravid gebede epidural yoldan verilen bupivakain, bupivakain + fentanil ve bupivakain + klonidin kombinasyonlarının etkileri karşılaştırıldı. Gebelerin çalışmaya alınma kriterleri; primigravite, sefalik prezentasyonda tek fetüs, doğumun aktif fazının başlaması ve servikal dilatasyonun 3-7 cm arasında olmasını içermekteydi. Gebeler rastgele 15'er kişilik üç gruba ayrıldıktan sonra VAS>=7 olan gebelerden L gruba 6 mL %0.25 bupivakain + 6mL NaCl %0.9, II. gruba 6 mL %0.25 bupivakain + 50 µg klonidin (1 mL) + 5 mL NaCl %0.9, III. gruba 6 mL %0.25 bupivakain + 50 µ fentanil (1 mL) + 5 mL NaCl %0.9 uygulandı. Tüm ek dozlar Vizüel Analog Skala 4 ise gebenin isteği ve doğumun seyrine göre %0.25'lik bupivakainden 3 mL şeklinde uygulandı. Maternal veriler; ortalama arter basıncı, kalp atım hızı, analjezik etkinlik, sedasyon, motor blok ve yan etkiler ilk 30 dakikada her 5 dakikada bir, daha sonra doğumun sonuna kadar 20 dakikada bir not edildi. Maternal arteriyel kan gazları; epidural kalelerden bolus doz yapılmadan hemen önce, yapıldıktan 30 dk. sonra ve doğumdan hemen sonra alındı. Uygulanan işlem, anne ve doktor tarafından doğumdan hemen sonra değerlendirildi. Bir neonatalog bebekleri doğumdan hemen sonra Apgar skorlarına göre değerlendirdi. Fentanil grubundaki hastalarda analjezinin başlama süresi ve analjezi kalitesi üstün bulundu (p

The comparison of bupivacaine, bupivacaine plus fentanyl and bupivacaine plus clonidine for epidural analgesia during labor

This study was designed to compare the effects of bupivacaine, fentanyl + bupivacaine and bupivacaine + clonidine for epidural analgesia during labor. 45 nulliparous women requiring epidural analgesia with an uncomplicated pregnancy and single fetus in cephalic presentation were studied. Parturients were randomly allocated into three groups and the initial doses were given epidurally during active phase of labor when the cervical dilatations were between 3-7 cm. When VAS>=7, the first group (n=15) received 0.25% bupivacaine 6 mL + 0.9% NaCl 6 mL, second group (n=15) received 0.25% bupivacaine 6 mL + 0.9% NaCl 5 mL + 50 µg clonidine and third group (n=15) received 0.25% bupivacaine 6 mL + 0.9% NaCl 5 mL + 50 µg fentanyl. Subsequent doses of 0.25% bupivacaine (3 mL) were given according to patients' comfort and necessity (VAS>4). Maternal variables; mean arterial pressure, heart rate, quality of analgesia, sedation, motor block and side effects were noted every 5 min for 30 min and subsequently at 20 min intervals until the end of labor. Maternal arterial blood gases were taken before the administration of initial bolus doses of study drugs and 30 min. after the bolus doses were given and just after the delivery. Global assessment of the procedure were performed by the mother and the investigator. A neonatalogist evaluated the babies by the Apgar score after birth. Epidural fentanyl was found to be superior in onset and quality of analgesia (p<0.05). Analgesia lasted longer in bupivacaine-fentanyl group after the initial dose (168.6±29.6 min) compared with other groups (p<0.01). Although the duration of labor was longer in fentanyl group (p<0.05), the additional doses required were significantly less than the other groups (p<0.05). Pruritis was observed in one patient in bupivacaine + fentanyl group but required no treatment. Motor blockade was observed in two patients in bupivacaine group and in one patient in bupivacaine + clonidine group. Sedation was marked in the bupivacaine + clonidine group (p<0.05). There were no significant differences between the groups in Apgar scores or umblical cord blood gas analysis. In the present study, the addition of fentanyl resulted in longer duration with quicker onset of analgesia and reduced the total doses of bupivacaine and the frequency of supplementary doses and side effects. Fentanyl also improved the quality of analgesia and its major advantage was to allow the administration of subanesthetic concentrations of bupivacaine.


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Anestezi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-0578
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 1993
  • Yayıncı: Betül Kartal
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